

篇名 生涯发展的系统理论框架及其应用评析
並列篇名 A Commentary on the Systems Theory Framework of Career Development and Its Applications
作者 王乃弋(WANG Naiyi) 、王晓(WANG Xiao) 、严梓洛(YAN Ziluo) 、蒋建华(JIANG Jianhua)
中文摘要 系统理论框架是基于一般系统理论和建构主义的生涯发展元理论,它将各种影响个人生涯发展的因素放在同一框架下,强调个人系统、人际社会系统、社会-环境系统之间的整体性及其动态的交互作用,能够更好地解释后现代社会的工作、职业认同、学习等生涯发展核心概念的内涵和外延。基于系统理论框架,研究者开发了“我的生涯影响系统”“我的生涯篇章”等质性生涯评估工具,在生涯辅导和咨询领域具有广泛的应用前景。系统理论框架启示我们,可以从整合生涯教育的“术”与“道”、兼顾个人兴趣与家国情怀、引入家庭和社会力量参与生涯教育几个方面推动我国的生涯教育向纵深发展。
英文摘要 Based on the constructivism and general systems theory, the Systems Theory Framework (STF) is a metatheory of career development, which puts various career development influences into one framework, and underscores the integrity of and dynamic interactions between the individual system, the social system and the environmental-societal system. STF provides better explanations for the core conceptions of career development in the post-modern era, such as work, vocational/career identity and learning. "My System of Career Influences", “My Career Chapter” and other qualitative career assessment tools have been developed based on STF,which have a wide application prospect in career guidance and counseling. STF enlightens us that we could promote the development of career education in China through integrating "technique" and "Tao" of career education, giving considerations to both personal interests and feelings for nation and country, and introducing family and social forces into career education.
頁次 089-096
關鍵詞 生涯发展 系统理论框架 我的生涯影响系统 我的生涯篇章 生涯教育 career development systems theory framework My System of Career Influences My Career Chapter career education CSSCI
卷期 42:3
日期 202003
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所