

篇名 臺灣的學術近親繁殖現況探討及其對大學教師聘用制度的啟示
並列篇名 A Study on Academic Inbreeding in Taiwan and Its Implications for Faculty-Hiring Systems
作者 姜麗娟(Li-Chuan Chiang)
中文摘要 客觀的現況分析與掌握,應是對學術近親繁殖議論與批判前的基礎與依據。本研究主要目的為:以事實數據與文件分析,透過教師學歷背景的檢視,瞭解臺灣各大學聘用本校博士畢業生及系所教師學歷同質程度的學術近親繁殖現況及現有教師聘用制度的規範。本研究分析樣本來自80所設有博士班的大學、1,998個系所,共23,159筆教師學歷資料,以及72所大學教師聘用辦法文件。研究結果顯示:一、全國聘用本校博士畢業生的學術近親繁殖比例為6%,各校的比例差異極大,可從0%到32%之間,排序前三高的學校分別為高雄醫學大學、中山醫學大學及國立臺灣大學。二、在所有系所中,教師全數畢業自不同學校的異質學歷背景系所共有393個(占20%),但全數教師畢業自同校的系所卻僅有一個,顯見系所教師同質學歷的學術近親繁殖現況並不普遍。三、教師聘用辦法中,無論是對聘用本校博士畢業生或對各系所教師學歷背景上有規範的,只有少數學校,前者只有四所,後者只有二所,且規範內容與作為顯得較為不足。本研究對於臺灣的大學教師聘用制度具有深刻的啟示;最後,依據研究結果,針對教師聘用制度提出實務建議。
英文摘要 A discussion of academic inbreeding must be based on an objective analysis and understanding of the current situation regarding faculty-hiring at universities. This study aims to investigate the current academic inbreeding in Taiwan which involves the university’s hiring of one’s own graduates and the faculty members with a doctorate from the same university, by way of an examination of the doctoral credentials of university faculty members and a documentary analysis of university faculty hiring systems. The sample includes 23,159 cases and 1,998 departments from 80 universities with doctoral programs, and 72 documents regarding faculty hiring regulations. Main findings include: 1. 6% of the faculty members at universities all over Taiwan are academic inbred. The percentage of academic inbreeding ranges widely from 0% to 32%. The universities which have the highest rates of academic inbreeding are Kaohsiung Medical University, Chung Shan Medical University, and National Taiwan University. 2. The number of departments with faculty graduating from different universities is 393, representing 20% of the sample, and only one department has faculty graduating from the same university, indicating academic inbreeding in terms of hiring faculty who graduated from the same university is not common. 3. Only four universities have regulations related to the hiring of one’s own graduates and only two universities have regulations about diverse degree profiles of the faculty members in the same department. Finally, implications of the findings were discussed and practical suggestions for university faculty hiring systems were offered.
頁次 029-057
關鍵詞 大學教師聘用制度 臺灣 學術近親繁殖 faculty-hiring system Taiwan academic inbreeding TSSCI
卷期 23:1
日期 202002
刊名 教育政策論壇
出版單位 國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政研究所
DOI 10.3966/156082982020022301002