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篇名 教育惩罚的意义系统与“有意义惩罚”的实现
並列篇名 The Meaning System of Educational Punishment and the Realization of “Meaningful Punishment”
作者 徐俊(XU Jun) 、王真(WANG Zhen)
中文摘要 在“惩罚具有正面的教育意义”成为基本共识后,需要进一步讨论这种正面的教育意义“是什么”以及具有正面教育意义的惩罚(教育惩罚)应当“如何做”的问题。思考这些问题的首要障碍在于“惩罚”是人类社会里一个非常古老的现象,在漫长的历史长河中早已被包裹上了许多层不同的意义。通过历史和文献梳理,可以初步区分出七种不同意义的惩罚:作为后果的惩罚、作为管控的惩罚、作为报复的惩罚、作为弥补的惩罚、作为立威的惩罚、作为纪律的惩罚和作为荣誉的惩罚(惩罚的“最高境界”)——其中的六种意义同“作为警示的惩罚”共同构成了“教育惩罚的意义系统”(惩罚可能具有的正面教育意义)。在教育中实现“有意义惩罚”可以遵循三条“意义原则”(正面意义原则、丰富意义原则、高级意义原则)与两条“准备原则”(意愿准备原则、基础准备原则)。
英文摘要 After the idea that “punishment has positive educational meaning” has become a basic agreement, it is necessary to further discuss “what the educational meaning is” and “how to achieve meaningful punishment in education”. The first existing obstacle is the fact that punishment is a very ancient phenomenon in human society, and has been wrapped by multiple layers of different meanings in the long history. We can actually sort out seven different types of punishment, namely punishment as consequences, punishment as control, punishment as revenge, punishment as compensation, punishment as authority, punishment as discipline, and punishment as honor (the highest state of punishment). Six of these meanings, together with “punishment as example”, constitute the “meaning system of educational punishment”. The realization of “meaningful punishment” in education should follow three “meaning principles” (positive meaning principle, rich meaning principle, advanced meaning principle) and two “preparation principles” (willing preparation principle, basic preparation principle).
頁次 025-035
關鍵詞 教育惩罚 教育惩戒 教师权威 纪律 有意义学习 educational punishment educational disciplinary teacher authority discipline meaningful learning CSSCI
卷期 18:3
日期 202206
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學
DOI 10.14082/j.cnki.1673-1298.2022.03.003