

篇名 西部民族地区小学生社会情感能力的发展困境与对策
並列篇名 The Development Dilemma and Countermeasures to Social Emotional Competences of Primary School Students in Western Ethnic Regions
作者 杨传利(YANG Chuan-li) 、毛亚庆(MAO Ya-qing) 、林丽珍(LIN Li-zhen)
中文摘要 通过对广西2个少数民族县(区)13所小学4-6年级学生进行问卷调查发现,西部民族地区小学生社会情感能力整体发展水平滞后。不同民族之间存在“中心优势”现象,远离社会、经济与文化中心的边缘民族儿童的社会情感能力发展水平更低;民族类别对留守儿童与非留守儿童社会情感能力的差异性具有显著影响,侗族儿童受留守经历的消极影响最为显著;男生社会情感能力发展显著低于女生,并且这种性别差异不受民族类别的影响。政府、学校、家庭与社会应该形成教育合力,积极探索西部民族地区学校综合发展模式,努力挖掘民族文化教育资源,完善西部民族地区社会支持体系,促进不同民族儿童社会情感能力的均衡发展。
英文摘要 A questionnaire survey was conducted among students of grade 4 - 6 in 13 primary schools in 2 western ethnic regions of Guangxi. Results Show that the overall development level of social emotional competences of primary school students in western ethnic regions lags behind, making it an important weakness of elementary education in China. Besides, there is a phenomenon of “central superiority” among different nationalities. That is to say, the development level of social emotional competences of children who stay far away from social, economic and cultural centers is lower. Ethnic categories have significant influence on the difference of social emotional competences between left-behind children and non-left-behind children, and the negative influence of left-behind experience on Dong children is the most significant. The development level of boys’ social emotional competences is significantly lower than that of girls’, and this gender difference is not affected by ethnic categories. Therefore, the government, schools, families and society should form a joint force to positively explore the comprehensive development mode of schools, to hard exploit the ethnic culture and education resources and to improve the social support system in western ethnic regions, so as to promote the balanced development of social emotional competences of children from different nationalities.
頁次 093-104
關鍵詞 基础教育 教育公平 西部民族地区 小学生 社会情感能力 elementary education education equity western ethnic regions primary school students social emotional competences
卷期 17:4
日期 202008
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學
DOI 10.3969/j.issn. 1005-2232.2020.04.009