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篇名 統整課程觀點中的嬰兒祭文化課程實踐:以一所KIST公辦民營實驗學校為例
並列篇名 The Curriculum Practice of Bunun Aboriginal Culture From the Perspective of Integrated Curriculum: An Example of a KIST Charter School
作者 郭晏輔(Yenfu Kuo) 、陳佩英(Peiying Chen)
中文摘要 在新課綱實踐脈絡下,校本課程更加重視社區文化、學生經驗、學科領域之間的跨域整合,這種現象在當今盛行發展的實驗教育體系更為重要,本研究以一間KIST公辦民營學校為例,探討該校如何整合布農族嬰兒祭的社區文化,並連結學科知識與KIST的教育精神。透過訪談、參與式觀察以及田野調查來蒐集資料,研究結果發現,該校校長與教師將慶典作為一種文本,並跨域連結至不同領域範疇,在學科方面,課程結合語文、自然、社會、藝術等範疇;而在實驗精神方面,則連接了KIST所強調的品格力與文化力;在經驗方面,學生在課程規劃與展演的同時,更加認識自己所處的在地文化。整體而言,本研究以一門特色課程為例,凸顯出學校在社區文化、學科知識、生活經驗扮演的樞紐。
英文摘要 In Taiwan, under the context of the practice of 108 curriculum guideline, the school-based curriculums are more focusing on the connection between the communities’ culture, the student’s experience, and the disciplines. Especially in experimental schools, which are famous for innovative curriculum development. This study takes one KIST (KIPP inspired schools in Taiwan) charter school as a case to discuss how this school to integrate the Bunun (a branch of aboriginal in Taiwan) culture, the disciplines, and the value of KIST. About research methods, deep interview, participant observation, and field study were conducted to collect data. The results suggested that the principal and teachers in this school used the “Masuhaulus” (a ceremony of Bunun) as a “curriculum text” to connect different kinds of knowledge which included of disciplines, KIST values, and the life experience of students.
頁次 047-061
關鍵詞 KIST 公辦民營學校 統整課程 實驗學校 嬰兒祭 KIST charter school integrated curriculum experimental school Masuhaulus
卷期 337
日期 202205
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.53106/168063602022050337004