

篇名 教育强国建设中的重要问题和着力方向——访我国著名教育学家顾明远先生
並列篇名 Important Problems and Directions in the Construction of a Leading Country in Education
作者 许玉新(Xu Yuxin) 、苏旭东(Su Xudong)
中文摘要 2022年10月党的二十大报告提出将建成教育强国列为2035年我国发展总体目标的重要内容,并做出加快建设教育强国的重大部署。2023年5月中共中央政治局就建设教育强国进行第五次集体学习,会上习近平强调教育兴则国家兴,教育强则国家强,要加快建设教育强国,为中华民族伟大复兴提供有力支撑。2023年6月,教育部成立教育强国建设战略咨询委员会,组织《教育强国规划纲要》编制工作。2024年1月,在刚刚召开的全国教育工作会议中强调把组织实施教育强国建设规划纲要作为工作主线,并提出把握教育的三个属性——政治属性、战略属性和民生属性,强调以教育强国建设支撑引领中国式现代化。基于教育强国建设的大背景下,本刊特向北京师范大学顾明远先生就相关问题进行访谈,以基础教育相关领域为主,重点围绕着教育强国建设的聚焦方向和发力点、优质均衡的教育公共服务体系、乡村教育高质量发展、拔尖创新人才培养、“双减”政策实施、教育评价改革的推进、教育数字化在教育强国中的作用以及教师发展相关的问题等进行了深度访谈。顾明远,现为中国教育学会名誉会长,国家教育咨询委员会委员,北京师范大学资深教授。曾任北京师范大学副校长,研究生院院长,国务院学位委员会评议组教育学科召集人,中国教育学会会长,世界比较教育学会联合会联合主席等职。主要研究领域包括比较教育、教育哲学、基础教育、师范教育等,主编《教育大辞典》《中国教育大百科全书》《中国教育大系》等重要丛书,出版《中国教育路在何方》《中国教育的文化基础》等专著40余部,发表论文600余篇,并把上述理论研究成果应用到了教育实践中。
英文摘要 It was proposed in the report of the Party’s 20th National Congress in October 2022 that building a country with a strengthening education has been listed as an integrated part of China’s overall development goal in 2035 and that deployment of strengthening education will be enforced. In May 2023, the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee conducted the fifth group study session on building a strengthening education, in which President Xi Jinping stressed that a country thrives when education thrives, and similarly, a strong education will lead to a strong country. It is imperative for us to strengthen education so as to provide effective support for the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. In June 2023, the Ministry of Education established the Strategic Advisory Committee on Building Strengthening and started the organization of the compilation of the Outline of the Plan for Strengthening Education. In January 2024, in the National Education Conference, it was emphasized that the organization and implementation of the Outline of the Plan for Strengthening Education should be prioritized, Based on the three attributes of education: political attributes, strategic attributes and people’s livelihood attributes, it was emphasized that the modernization in China style shall be supported and led by a strengthening education. Under the background of building a strengthening education, this journal made an invited interviewed with Professor Gu Mingyuan from Beijing Normal University on related issues, such as issues in the basic education, especially, the focus of strengthening education, high-quality and balanced public education service system, high-quality development in rural area, top-notch talent cultivation, double-reduction policy implement, further education assessment reform, digital education in strengthening education and teacher development so on and so forth. Gu Mingyuan, honorary chairman of China Education Society, member of National Education Advisory Committee, Senior professor in Beijing Normal University, former vice president of Beijing Normal University, former director of Graduate School, convener of Academic Degree Committee of the State Council, chairman of the Chinese Education Society, co-chairman of the World Comparative Education co-Society. Research field covers comparative education, education philosophy, basic education, teacher education etc.. Chief editor and writer of Education Dictionary, Encyclopedia in China Education, History and Achievements of China Education. Publisher of more than 40 books and 600 papers, such as Q & A in China Education and Cultural Basis of China Education. Performer of Education theory and education achievements .
頁次 001-004
關鍵詞 教育强国 杰出人才 教育数字化 教育观念 乡村教育 立德树人 a leading country in education top-notch talent digital education education concept education in rural area foster morality and cultivate talent CSSCI
卷期 446
日期 202403
刊名 中國電化教育
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社