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篇名 十二年國教下環境素養的內涵與教育實踐
並列篇名 Environmental Literacy and Educational Practice in 12-Year Compulsory Education
作者 楊嵐智(Lan-Chih Yang)
中文摘要 面對氣候變遷與環境的嚴峻,國際間正展開環境素養宣傳的運動,而教育是宣傳的關鍵,宣傳是改變的關鍵。我國正逢教育改革的重要時刻,視核心素養為提高國民素質與世界公民的重要基礎,並作為課程發展的主軸;而環境素養與課程改革的核心素養更具有一致的努力方向。本文主要關注中小學融入環境教育議題的現況,採用文獻分析,先聚焦於環境素養的歷史脈絡、意義與發展階層的探討,藉此簡述環境素養的內涵;其次採用兩份我國環境教育法中兩大主管機關之重要文件,概述環保署與教育部各自提出的最新環境素養概念。最後,說明環境素養如何引領十二年國教中環境教育的實踐。
英文摘要 Faced with climate change and environmental protections, the international community has developed and disseminated environmental literacy for educators and students across the globe. At the important moment of education reform in our country, the K-12 curriculum guidelines promote key competencies as the keys of curriculum development. Moreover, key competencies and environmental literacy have a common direction. This paper focuses on the integration of environmental education in primary and secondary schools. First, this study analyzed the historical context of environmental literacy according to a literature review. Second, we examined important documents about environmental literacy concepts. Finally, this study makes some suggestions for the educational practice of environmental literacy.
頁次 029-049
關鍵詞 環境教育 環境素養 教育實踐 environmental education environmental literacy educational practice
卷期 33:2
日期 201912
刊名 臺中教育大學學報. 教育類
出版單位 國立臺中教育大學