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篇名 國中英語文資優課程設計-以素養導向接軌國際教育
並列篇名 The Competency-based English Curriculum Connecting International Education for Junior High School Verbally-talented Students
作者 顏秀家(Hsiu-Chia Yen)
中文摘要 「核心素養」是十二年國民教育課程發展的主軸,若以語文資優學生為討論對象,教師應如何設計調整資優課程,使其具備面對現在與未來的關鍵能力?面對全球化趨勢來臨的時代,資優教育工作者應重視學生的全球素養培力。本文先從學理背景說明語文資優生的特質與需求,接著介紹素養導向的國中英語文資優課程設計理念,並探討其與國際教育發展接軌的可行性。筆者再從實務經驗分享數個素養導向設計教學實例,最後針對該課程設計與實施提出相關討論與建議。透過本文,筆者期許與資優教師共勉共進,促使語文資優生的學習潛能與專長得到最大發揮,除了為國家培植競合力的人才,也為學生善盡全球公民之責做預備。
英文摘要 Developing competencies in learners is the goal of 12-Year Basic Education. Facing globalization trends today, how the gifted education teachers design and adjust curriculum to equip verbally-talented students with the competencies for the present life and the future demand is concerned. Global competences are critical and should be emphasized. The paper first presented the traits and the learning needs of verbally-talented students, and then explored the ideas of the competency-based English curriculum design; the probable connection between the mentioned English curriculum and International Education was also included. Moreover, the author introduced the teaching activities and experiences, and finally offered some discussions and suggestions for curriculum design and future practice. Through the paper, the author hopefully expected to work with the gifted education teachers to enable verbally-talented students to unleash their full potential, and transform them into both competitive-cooperative national elites and global citizens.
頁次 013-022
關鍵詞 語文資優生 素養導向 全球素養 國際教育 verbally-talented student competency-based global competency international education
卷期 157
日期 202112
刊名 資優教育季刊
出版單位 中華民國特殊教育學會
DOI 10.6218/GEQ.202112_(157). 13-22