

篇名 动荡不安的位置——“违逆者”自传体小说的教育文学探索
並列篇名 A Turbulent Place: Exploration of the Violators' Autobiographical Novels in the Perspective of Educational Literature
作者 程猛(CHENG Meng) 、赵新生(ZHAO Xin-sheng)
中文摘要 “违逆者”在此指通过教育取得学术资格、实现阶层跨越的知识分子群体。安妮·埃尔诺和迪迪埃·埃里蓬就是两位劳工阶层家庭出身的“违逆者”。在父亲去世后,埃尔诺写下了动人心魄的自传体小说《位置》,埃里蓬则在《回归故里》中细腻回顾了自己充满矛盾和痛苦的成长历程。基于这样两部自传体小说以及《自我分析纲要》中皮埃尔·布迪厄的自白,剖析底层出身的知识分子通过教育向上流动过程中的情感结构以及回望原生家庭和阶层文化时的复杂心境,并结合中国情境下农家子弟通过教育跨越城乡边界的成长叙事,深描背叛与救赎、违逆与和解之路。阶层跨越之旅的复杂性突出表现在个体社会位置的动荡不安,救赎与和解亦是试图接纳过去,进而重构自我的一种努力。
英文摘要 In this paper, “violators” refer to a group of intellectuals who obtain academic qualifications and achieve class travel through education. The writer Annie Ernaux and the sociologist Didier Eribon are “violators” from working-class family in France. After his father's death, Ernaux wrote a moving autobiographical novel named Position. Eribon looked back on his own conflicted and painful growth delicately in Retour a Reims. Based on two autobiographical novels and Pierre Bourdieu's confession in ESQUISSE POUR UNE AUTO-ANA-LYSE, dialogue with the growing-up of rural students who break through the from the urban and rural in China, this paper attempts to profoundly describe the emotional structure of the intellectuals at the bottom in the process of upward mobility and reveal their complex mood when they look back on the original family and class culture, especially referring to the betrayal and redemption, violations and reconciliation. The complexity of class travel s highlighted by the instability of individual social position. Redemption and reconciliation are also an effort to accept the past and then reconstruct the self.
頁次 024-035
關鍵詞 阶层旅行 自传体小说 违逆者 位置 和解 class travel autobiographical novel violators position reconcile CSSCI
卷期 18:2
日期 202204
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學
DOI 10.14082/j.cnki.1673-1298.2022.02.003