

篇名 技术赋能下帮扶薄弱学校发展的“多维协同”模式研究
並列篇名 Research on Multi-dimensional Collaborative Model of Using Technology to Help Weak School Development
作者 朱伯东(Zhu Bodong) 、黄琼珍(Huang Qiongzhen)
中文摘要 教育信息化对于促进教师队伍建设、缩小教育差距、促进教育公平具有重要意义。针对薄弱学校普遍存在教师育人能力较低、现代化条件不足、校际发展不平衡的问题,创建了技术赋能帮扶薄弱学校发展的“多维协同”模式。该模式通过信息技术的跨域传播特点,聚焦教师维度、学校维度、校际协同机制维度,促进薄弱学校和教师专业的发展。实践与效果分析表明,技术赋能的“多维协同”帮扶模式能够有效促进薄弱学校及教师的发展,促进基础教育优质均衡发展。
英文摘要 Educational informatization plays an important role in promoting the construction of teachers, narrowing educational gap and promoting educational equity. In view of the common problems in weak schools, such as low educational ability of teachers, insufficient modernization conditions and unbalanced inter-school development, this study established a “multi-dimensional collaborative” mode of technology empowerment to help the development of weak schools. This model promotes the development of weak schools and teachers’ professional development by focusing on teachers’ dimension, schools’ dimension and inter-school collaborative mechanism through the characteristics of cross-domain communication of information technology. More than ten years of practice and effect analysis of this model show that the “multi-dimensional collaboration” model of technology empowerment can effectively promote the development of weak schools and their teachers, and promote the balanced development of basic education.
頁次 122-129
關鍵詞 信息技术 薄弱学校帮扶 教师专业发展 多维协同 information technology support weak schools teacher’s professional development multi-dimensional collaborative CSSCI
卷期 424
日期 202205
刊名 中國電化教育
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社