

篇名 把街區當教室:通識課程的創新與實踐案例
並列篇名 Street Community as Classroom: A Case for General Education Innovation and Practices
作者 蕭百芳(Pai-Fang Hsiao)
中文摘要 通識課程向來與營養學分劃上等號,因無專業院系支撐,很難融滲於地方。本文透過南臺科技大學自2011年所開設的「商業美學與文創藝術」通識課程為案例,說明該課程隨著教育型態的轉變,適時地修正課程,因而獲得了許多教學的經驗與養分,到2018年順利接軌高教深耕計畫,嘗試把街區當教室,以翻轉、走讀、做中學等創新的教學方式,引導學生走出教室與街區住民共學交流,完成不可能的社會實踐任務的策略與方法。
英文摘要 The general education classes have been treated as easy-taken credits. Due to the lack of specific profession department support, it’s hard for the general education class to be localized. This paper presents the class of Commercial Aestheticsand Culture Creation Art started since 2011 as a case to describe the strategies and designs to complete the impossible mission of social practices. The class design has been revised followed by the changes in education type. Lots of teaching experiences and nutrition can be obtained through every teaching revision. In 2018, it then can easily connect to the High Education Project and make street community as classroom through various innovative and practical teaching designs. Thus it makes students to learn and interact with local community residents well, and eventually completes the impossible mission of social practices.
頁次 052-081
關鍵詞 在地實踐 通識教育 創新教學 街區 lcal pactice gneral eucation inovative taching sreet cmmunity
卷期 295
日期 201811
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602018110295004