

篇名 COVID-19疫情時期同步視訊教學對高等教育階段師生互動之影響
並列篇名 Influence of Synchronous Online Teaching on Teacher-Student Interaction in Higher Education During COVID-19 Epidemic Period
作者 吳宗諺(Zong-Yan Wu)
中文摘要 本研究欲探討同步視訊教學對高等教育階段師生互動之影響。研究者採用半結構式訪談法,以獅子大學教育學院某門研究所的課程為個案。研究結果顯示,同步視訊教學下高等教育階段師生互動之特色有三:一、學生與教師和同儕之間的距離較近;二、師生互動情形與反應較為踴躍;三、對時間及空間的感受有所轉變,如時間的轉變與實體教室的消失。本研究以E. Goffman之劇場理論進行分析,學生在同步視訊教學中注重隱私與個人形象之行為,與「前台」、「面具及印象管理」、「架構」有關,當個人私領域變成教室時,學生必須調整其學習節奏,以營造正規行為。最後,比較實體教學與同步視訊教學之差異,實體教學之價值大多受到肯認,同步視訊教學中的師生距離變得更近,彼此的回應更加熱絡。對於同步視訊教學下的師生互動與後續研究,本研究亦提出相關建議以供參考。
英文摘要 The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of synchronous online teaching on teacher-student interaction in higher education based on E. Goffman’s theater theory and the perspective of time and space. The researcher implements a semi-structured interview method and interview eight students. There are three characteristics of teacher-student interaction in higher education under synchronous online teaching: 1. There is closer distance among students, teachers and peers than before; 2. There is more active interaction among students and teachers than before; 3. Transformation in the perception of time and space, such as the change of time and the disappearance of physical classrooms, exists. According to Goffman’s theater theory, students’ behavior of paying attention to privacy and personal image in synchronous online teaching is related to “front stage”, “mask and impression management” and “structure”. When the personal privacy domain turns into a classroom, students must adjust their learning rhythm to create formal behaviors. Finally, by comparing physical teaching with synchronous online teaching, the value of physical teaching is mostly recognized. The distance among teachers and students in synchronous online teaching becomes closer, and they respond to each other more warmly. This study also provides some relevant suggestions for future research.
頁次 071-109
關鍵詞 COVID-19 同步視訊教學 師生互動 劇場理論 synchronous online teaching teacher-student interaction theater theory
卷期 16:1
日期 202106
刊名 高等教育
出版單位 台灣高等教育學會
DOI 10.53106/199254762021061601003