

篇名 三成導向教育的基本理念
並列篇名 The Basic Concept of MTS-based Education
作者 李坤崇(Kuen-Chorng Lee)
中文摘要 三成導向教育乃以成人、成才、成功為前提的成果導向教育,彰顯成人、成才、成功此三者向上、向前、向善的思維,強化相信學生並給予自信、信心的理念,但不固守侷限特定的內容。學校及院系所(專業或學程)得依此三成理念,為師生鑄魂造夢,建構屬於自己特色、品牌的願景。參酌Spady(1994)的成果導向教育金字塔及其部分理念,融合孟子、荀子、王守仁、陶行知、Dewey及Maslow的觀點,納入2008年至今推動兩岸四地大學教育與課程革新的經驗,建構三成導向教育金字塔,提出一個願景、兩個信念、三管齊下、四項策略、五項成功及六個原則的基本理念。
英文摘要 The 3-outcome-based (MTS-based) education is a form of outcome-based education with an focus on transforming one into a individual of Mature, Talent and Success as an illustration of a competent and benevolent mindset for students to strengthen self-confi dence, even without any specifi c curricular intention, in which a school or department (either as a major or academic program) must refl ect upon these three objectives to forge dreams for both teachers and students to envision a future of their branding characteristics. By referencing Spady’s (1994) learning pyramid of outcome-based education and some underlying concepts, in combination with ideas from Mencius, Hsun Tzu, Wang Shouren, Tao Xingzhi, Dewey and Maslow, and accumulation of experiences from the Cross-Strait College Education and Curriculum Innovation since 2008, a 3-outcome-based (MTS-based) education model was constructed with a fundamental ideology of a vision of two beliefs using three approaches and four strategies to achieve fi ve successes in accordance with six principles.
頁次 035-051
關鍵詞 三成導向教育 成人成才成功 成果導向教育 3-outcome-based (MTS-based) education Mature-Talen-Success (MTS) outcome-based education
卷期 295
日期 201811
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602018110295003