

篇名 法国校园禁用手机法案的成效与争议
並列篇名 The Effect and Controversy of the School Cell Phone Ban Act in France
作者 杨光富(YANG Guangfu) 、陈宏友(CHEN Hongyou)
中文摘要 2018年法国国会表决通过了《3~15岁学生在校园内禁止使用手机的法案》,其实早在2010年法国就出台过相关法案,但本次禁机令要求更加严格。目前,法国已超过90%的学生拥有手机,但不当使用给学生带来了手机上瘾症、网络欺凌、学业成绩下降等问题。由于上述原因以及欧洲委员会手机禁令的倡导,法国最终颁布了该法案。法案实施后,学生已经逐渐适应,课堂纪律得到很大的改善,学生课后相互交流和运动的机会大大提高。不过,在实践中也遇到了手机如何存放与管理、家长与孩子如何及时联系等问题。
英文摘要 On July 30, 2018, the French Parliament passed a bill to ban mobile phones for the students aged 3 to 15 at school. In fact, as early as 2010, France passed such a bill, but the 2018 Act is more stringent. At present, more than 90% of teenagers in France have mobile phones, but improper use has caused problems such as mobile phone addiction, cyberbullying and academic decline. For these reasons and the advocacy of the Council of Europe on mobile phone ban, France enacted this act in the end. After the implementation of the Act, the students have gradually adapted to it and the classroom discipline has been greatly improved as well. Besides, students have more time and chances to communicate and play sports together. However, in practice, there are also problems such as how to store and manage mobile phones, how parents contact their children in time.
頁次 033-038
關鍵詞 法国学校 校园禁机法案 手机成瘾症 French schools School Cell Phone Ban Act mobile phone addiction CSSCI
卷期 42:1
日期 202001
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所