

篇名 以體感裝置融入全肢體反應教學法於幼兒第二語言習得之研究
並列篇名 Study of TPR Teaching Strategy Based on Motion-Sensing Devices for Preschool Children Second Language Acquisition
作者 區國良(Kuo-Liang Ou) 、楊坤錡(Kun-Chi Yang) 、黃郁喬(Yu-Chiao Huang)
中文摘要 本研究以體感裝置建構全肢體反應語言教學環境,並探討其對於幼兒在習得第二語言之聽覺理解能力。由於許多教師在進行全肢體反應教學活動時,不易觀察及分析幼兒之學習情況,並提供適合難易度的學習內容。本研究所使用之體感裝置可偵測幼兒的肢體動作,映射為螢幕中之卡通人物,讓幼兒藉由觀察及模仿螢幕上的虛擬人物動作以學習第二語言,教師則可依幼兒對於指令的反應情況,以鷹架式的教學輔助架構提供不同等級的引導提示。本研究以20位5∼6歲的幼兒為實驗對象,並以聽覺理解能力前測和後測數據進行分析。由研究結果得知,實驗對象對於第二語言的聽覺理解能力有顯著的提升與進步,學習時的肢體動作反應時間和聽覺理解程度之間具有顯著負相關。本研究所建構的學習環境及分析結果,可作為未來教師進行體感式全肢體反應教學以及判斷幼兒對於第二語言學習成效之參考。
英文摘要 This research constructs a motion-sensing device based total physical response (TPR) language teaching environment and explores its benefit for children’s second language acquisition. When using TPR in language teaching, teachers may have difficulty observing and analyzing children’s learning situations and then providing adaptive learning. This research uses a motion-sensing device to detect children’s body movements and control a cartoon character’s avatar on the projection screen. With the scaffolding strategy, teachers can provide adaptive prompts of orders for children to observe and imitate with the avatar in second language learning activities by TPR. In this research, 20 children aged 5 to 6 years old were employed in this experiment. The auditory comprehension ability pretest and post-test were used to analyze the effects of this research. The results indicate that the subjects’ auditory comprehension ability of the second language acquisition has been significantly improved. There is a significant negative correlation between the delay of body movements’ reaction time and the degree of auditory comprehension during learning. The experiments and results of this research can be used as a reference for teachers to conduct a TPR teaching and assist children’s second language learning in the future.
頁次 001-028
關鍵詞 全肢體反應教學法 第二語言習得 聽覺理解 體感式裝置 total physical response second language acquisition auditory comprehension motion-sensing devices TSSCI
卷期 14:3
日期 202207
刊名 數位學習科技期刊
出版單位 臺灣數位學習與內容學會
DOI 10.53106/2071260X2022071403001