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篇名 幼兒真的跟成人有不同的思維嗎?以眼動型態檢視幼兒與成人類推時的問題解決歷程
並列篇名 Do Children Think Differently From Adults? Evidences From Eye Movements on Solving Analogy Questions
作者 劉黃佩姍(Pei-Shan Liu-Huang) 、賴孟龍(Meng-Lung Lai)
中文摘要 本研究探討幼兒與成人在解決類比推理問題時的歷程差異。研究對象為兩位幼兒及四位成人,採取傳統類推測驗 (a:b::c:d) 模式進行題項設計,內容包含幾何圖形及生活經驗圖片。本研究在眼動儀實驗室進行個別測驗,使用受試者的答對率、凝視點、回視次數進行分析。研究發現:1.幼兒與成人的類比推理能力有差異,但類比推理問題解決歷程模式相近;2.幼兒與成人在讀取前提 (a:b) 訊息的凝視點與回視數量相近,兩者在對應及應用訊息 (c:d) 時的凝視點及回視次數明顯增加,幼兒與成人的類比推理差異出現在對應及應用的解題過程;3.幼兒在幾何問題與生活經驗題的凝視點多於成人,不過僅在生活經驗題的回視次數比成人高,可能是因為生活經驗題的圖片對幼兒提供相對豐富的訊息線索。
英文摘要 The main purpose of this research was examining preschoolers’ and adults’ reasoning processes in analogy questions using eye movements. Two preschoolers aged 6 years old and four adults aged 22 years old participated. Typical analogy questions (i.e., A:B::C:D) were used. Accuracy and eye movements (fixations and regressions) on solving analogy questions were analyzed. Three major findings were found. First, although adults significantly outperformed preschoolers in terms of accuracy, both of them reasoned about the analogy questions similarly. Second, preschoolers’ and adults’ reading behaviors, both fixations and regressions, on premises (e.g., relation between A and B) were similar, while their reading behaviors on the consequences (e.g., relation between C and D) were considerably varied, indicating the differences between preschoolers and adults originating from the process of mapping and applying in reasoning on analogy questions. Third, preschoolers’ fixations were more than adults, while preschoolers’ regressions were fewer than adults. However, for the real life questions, preschoolers’ regressions were more than adults, probably due to the fact that those real-life pictures were more informative and thus offered rich cues for preschoolers to read.
頁次 001-038
關鍵詞 類比推理 眼動型態 認知發展 Analogical Reasoning Eye Movements Cognitive Development
卷期 21
日期 201901
刊名 幼兒教保研究期刊
出版單位 國立嘉義大學幼兒教育系