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篇名 疫情期間運用線上觀課提升非同步遠距教學品質之探究
並列篇名 Exploration on Using Online Class Observation to Improve the Quality of Asynchronous Distance Teaching During the Epidemic
作者 張民杰(Min-Chieh Chang)
中文摘要 2020年新型冠狀病毒大流行,讓全球各地包括臺灣大部分學校均有一段時間停止面授教學,改以遠距教學取代。而遠距教學的品質如何?也隨之成為大家關心的議題。時值臺灣中小學開始實施十二年國民基本教育課程綱要,總綱規定教師每學年至少公開授課一次並進行專業回饋,而大學也開始運用同儕觀察於新進教師輔導、教學獎勵等,因此是否可以運用線上觀課來提升遠距教學的品質呢?本研究藉由疫情期間大學開設的「班級經營」遠距教學課程做為個案,設計線上觀課紀錄表,邀請3位中學教師及2位大學教師各進行三次線上觀課並專業回饋,輔以期末調查三個班級的修課學生,共回收152份有效問卷加以分析。結果發現,線上觀課可以蒐集與學生意見趨向一致,而且在教材內容、教師講解、評量作業、平臺使用四個向度上更為豐富的專業回饋,得以提升教學品質。
英文摘要 The COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 caused most schools around the world to temporarily suspend face-to-face teaching and switch to distance learning. Taiwan was also affected, and the quality of distance learning became a concern. At the same time, Taiwan began implementing the Curriculum Guidelines of 12-year Basic Education, which require teachers to publicly teach and provide professional feedback at least once a year, and universities began using peer observation to support new teachers, reward teaching, and so on. However, does online observation help improve the quality of distance learning? This study used the “class management” distance learning course offered during the pandemic as a case study to design an online observation record sheet. Three high school teachers and two university teachers were invited to observe the course three times and provide professional feedback. A total of 152 valid questionnaires were collected from three classes of students, surveyed at the end of the semester, for analysis. The results showed that online observation can collect feedback that is consistent with student opinions and provide more comprehensive professional feedback on teaching materials, teacher explanations, assessment/assignments, and platform usage, thereby improving the quality of teaching.
頁次 001-036
關鍵詞 非同步遠距教學 班級經營 師資培育 新型冠狀病毒疫情 線上觀課 asynchronous virtual classroom classroom management teacher education COVID-19 pandemic peer observation online
卷期 18:2
日期 202312
刊名 高等教育
出版單位 台灣高等教育學會
DOI 10.53106/199254762023121802001