

篇名 农村青少年校园欺凌的群体文化与底层再生产
並列篇名 Youth Experience of School Bullying: Group Culture and Reproduction Mechanism in a Rural School in China
作者 杨梨(YANG Li) 、王曦影(WANG Xi-ying)
中文摘要 近年来,农村学校的欺凌问题引起了学术界关注,然而鲜有研究探讨农村青少年同伴群体文化、校园欺凌行为以及底层再生产之间的关系。本文通过对江苏省一所农村学校初中师生的深度访谈发现:农村青少年分化为“混团伙”与“守规矩”两类同伴群体,推崇反学校文化的“混团伙”以欺负群内的“小弟”为乐,更以欺凌学业成绩不佳的“守规矩”的青少年为荣;学业优秀的“守规矩”的青少年常常可以获得来自教师和学校的保护,进而免于遭受校园欺凌。农村中学的校园欺凌现象与同伴群体文化生产过程有关,同时受到农村学校资源不足和分层教学制度的影响。农村中学校园欺凌现象体现了同伴群体文化生产与学校教育制度交织下的“权力不对等”被不断地强化,从而进一步阻碍了部分底层青少年向上流动的可能性。
英文摘要 In recent years, school bullying in rural schools has attracted lots of academic attention, but there are few studies focusing on the relationship between peer group culture, school bullying practice and social reproduction. Based on the in-depth interviews with teachers and students in a rural school in Jiangsu Province, the study found that rural teenagers are divided into two peer groups: “gangs” and “rule-followers”. The “gangs” advocate counter school culture and take pleasure in bullying “little brothers” within the group. They are even more proud of bullying “rule-followers” with poor academic performance. However, academically excellent “rule-followers” are often protected by teachers from school bullying. The school bullying in rural area is not only related to the cultural production process of peer groups, but also affected by the lack of resources and the stratified teaching model in rural areas. The phenomenon of bullying in rural middle schools reflects the strengthening of “power imbalance” under the interweaving of peer group cultural production and school education system , which has further made it extremely difficult for certain group of rural youth to move upward via education.
頁次 133-147
關鍵詞 农村青少年 农村中学 校园欺凌 文化生产 再生产机制 同伴群体 rural teenagers rural middle schools school bullying cultural production reproduction mechanism peer groups CSSCI
卷期 17:4
日期 202108
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學
DOI 10.14082/j.cnki.1673-1298.2021.04.012