

篇名 STEAM教學融入程式設計課程對幼兒職前教師問題解決創造力之影響
並列篇名 Effect of Incorporating STEAM Instruction Into a Programming Course on Problem-Solving Creativity for Preservice Preschool Teachers
作者 吳中勤(Chung-Chin Wu)
中文摘要 本研究主要目的在於透過STEAM教學融入程式設計課程的實施,讓幼兒職前教師提前接觸STEAM教學與程式設計的內涵,以利未來於幼兒園推行相關教學活動,並進一步檢視STEAM教學歷程對幼兒職前教師問題解決創造力的影響。本研究徵求72位來自兩個不同班級的幼兒職前教師參與,並進行問題解決創造力測驗的前、後測。二因子混合變異數分析結果顯示,整體而言,STEAM教學融入程式設計課程有助於提升幼兒職前教師的問題解決創造力,但考量班級差異後,STEAM教學融入程式設計課程對問題解決創造力各成分(含字詞聯想、成語替換、情境式問題解決、創意圖形、不合理圖形覺察能力)有不同的影響,這些影響分別為:一、對不同班級的幼兒職前教師而言,此課程皆有助於提升其「字詞聯想能力」;二、對於提升幼兒職前教師的「成語替換能力」,沒有明顯的助益;三、此課程對幼兒職前教師「情境式問題解決能力」與「創意圖形能力」的影響,會因為班級而不同;四、班級差異是影響幼兒職前教師「不合理圖形覺察能力」的因素,但STEAM教學融入程式設計課程則否。
英文摘要 The main purpose of this study was to expose preservice preschool teachers to STEAM instruction by incorporating such instruction into a programming course for them; the goal was to promote STEAM- and programming-related teaching activities for them to incorporate into future classroom practice. Additionally, we assessed the effect of this instructional process on the problem-solving creativity of preservice preschool teachers. Seventy-two preservice preschool teachers from two classes were participated in this study. A pretest and posttest on problem-solving creativity were conducted. Results from a two-way mixed analysis of variance indicated that, in general, this type of instruction improved the problem-solving creativity (demonstrated through abilities related to word association, idiom replacement, contextual problem-solving, creative graphics, and making sense of ambiguous diagrams) of preservice preschool teachers. However, the effects varied when class differences were considered. The effects were the following: (1) Incorporating STEAM instruction into a programming course improved word-association ability in preservice preschool teachers regardless of class. (2) The tested instruction method did not improve idiom replacement ability. (3) The effects of this instruction method on contextual problem-solving ability and creative figure ability differed between classes. (4) Class but not STEAM instruction influenced the ability to make sense of ambiguous diagrams.
頁次 049-076
關鍵詞 STEAM教學 幼兒職前教師 問題解決創造力 程式設計 preschool STEAM instruction preservice preschool teachers problem-solving creativity programming TSSCI
卷期 13:1
日期 202101
刊名 數位學習科技期刊
出版單位 臺灣數位學習與內容學會
DOI 10.3966/2071260X2021011301003