

篇名 我国校外教育治理的风险及其规避
並列篇名 Risks and Its Avoidance of Out-of-School Education Governance in China - Based on the Perspective of Multiple Institutional Logics
作者 蔺海沣(LIN Hai-feng) 、付婷(FU Ting)
中文摘要 校外教育实践为何深陷“非共生态”治理风险?多重制度逻辑理论为论证此议题提供分析视角。我国校外教育治理的系统协同、联动创新和效能增值亟须多重制度逻辑的嵌入。当前校外教育治理面临着供给结构与需求结构的两端失衡风险、公益导向和市场导向的双向偏差风险、经营失序与监督失效的双重控制风险、管理混乱与后劲偏弱的两难协调风险。精准规避风险,政府、培训机构、社会公众和教师等逻辑主体需协同行动,创设供需的精准匹配机制,消解供需错配的系统隐忧;均衡公益和市场价值属性,重塑教师身份和情感形象;严格市场准入和审核机制,创构智能化循证监管系统;建立培训锦标赛激励准则,设置弹性畅通的晋级方案,以此提升我国校外教育治理效能。
英文摘要 Why does out-of-school education fall into the governance risk of “Non-symbiotic Ecology”? Multiple Institutional Logics theory provides an analysis perspective for the demonstration of this issue. The system collaboration、linkage and innovation、increment efficiency of China’s education governance need the integration of Multiple Institutional Logics. At present, the governance of out-of-school education is faced with the risks of structural imbalance of “supply side” and “demand side”, the risks of deviation of “public welfare” and “market” orientation, the dual control risks of school-running disorder and inefficient supervision, and the dilemma of management disorder and weak momentum. To accurately avoid risks, the government, training institutions, the publics, teachers and other logical subjects need to take coordinated actions to create an accurate matching mechanism be-tween supply and demand, so as to eliminate the worries of mismatching; to balance public welfare and market attribute, and recreate the identity and emotional image of teachers; to rebuild the system of market access and record review, and create an intelligent evidence-based supervision system; to construct an incentive system of industry championships and set up a flexible promotion scheme. It’s expected that the above measures will improve the governance efficiency of out-of-school education in China.
頁次 092-103
關鍵詞 校外教育 校外教育治理 校外培训机构 治理风险 多重制度逻辑 out-of-school education out-of-school education governance out-of-school training facility governance risk multiple institutional logics CSSCI
卷期 17:4
日期 202108
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學
DOI 10.14082/j.cnki.1673-1298.2021.04.009