

篇名 教师权威的式微与重塑:从教师惩戒权入法谈起
並列篇名 Weakening and Remolding of Teachers’ Authority: On Teachers’ Disciplinary Power into Law
作者 李帅(LI Shuai) 、黄颖(HUANG Ying)
中文摘要 惩戒权是教师在教育过程中依法拥有对学生的错误行为进行否定性制裁,以免失范行为再次发生的一种权力,其目的在于更好地进行教学管理、维护教师权威。迄今为止,“教师惩戒权”从法律概念到适用原则、范围、方式以及法律监督及救济机制等都缺失法规层面的明确与支持,以至于造成诸如惩戒失范、惩戒性侵权等诸多问题。教师惩戒权的入法能够在根源上疏解其在教学管理活动中的践行困境,因此需要从概念入手厘定其与相似概念的基本边界,从传统和现代两种教育理念的碰撞中分析教师惩戒权存在的必要性,并从立法层面进一步探讨教师惩戒权行使的原则、主体、对象、方式及救济机制等细节,以明确其未来的发展趋向,从而实现教师惩戒权行使的理性回归。
英文摘要 The power of punishment is a kind of power that teachers have in accordance with the law to impose negative sanctions on students’ wrong behaviors in the process of education, so as to avoid the recurrence of improper behaviors. Its purpose is to better manage teaching and maintain teachers’ authority. Teachers’ power of punishment has not been clearly defined and supported by laws from the legal concept to the applicable principle, scope, method, legal supervision and relief mechanism, resulting in many problems and disputes such as disciplinary misconduct and exemplary infringement. Punishment power of teachers into laws can relieve root on its practice in the management activities of teaching, in order to make clear the development trend of the future, so as to realize the rational regression of teachers exercising punishment right, we need to define its basic boundary with similar concepts from the perspective of the concept, analyze the necessity of the teacher’s punishment power from the collision of traditional and modern education idea, and further explore the teachers’ disciplinary principle, subject, object, way of exercising and remedy mechanism details from the legislative level.
頁次 027-031
關鍵詞 教师惩戒权 教师权威 师生关系 制度设计 teachers’ power of punishment teacher authority teacher-student relationship system design CSSCI
卷期 32:1
日期 202001
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心