

篇名 桌遊融入領域教學對改善校園霸凌現象之行動研究
並列篇名 The Action Research of Table Games Integrated With Field Teaching Toward Improvement of School Bullying Situation
作者 林勝發(Sheng-Far Lin) 、陳振明(Chen-Ming Chen) 、謝佳諺(Chia-Yen Hsieh)
中文摘要 由於校園霸凌事件頻傳,一般的校園反霸凌宣導成效又不顯著,本研究試圖透過桌遊融入語文領域的教學,自學期第四週開始共實施三階段為期八週的遊戲創作課程,經由生活素養導向的反思與體驗教學,讓學生能在有趣的遊戲課程中,將遊戲內容及課堂所學融入生活態度中,期望藉此改善並降低校園霸凌的現象和文化,更期望研究對象能以更積極正向與健康的生活態度來面對校園生活。研究結果發現,學生在課程前後的人權態度有明顯的轉變,而班級的氣氛也有明顯的差異,證明只要教師願意在課堂上多一點用心,透過課程的情意引導及行動實踐來形塑學生的人權價值,校園霸凌是可以被有效遏止的。
英文摘要 Because of school bullying incidents occurring frequently, and the ineffectiveness of the school anti-bullying propaganda, the research tries to use games integrated with language field teaching: Courses of creativity games, based on the feedback and experience of life quality-oriented teaching, which starts from the fourth week since new semester, for total eight weeks, in three phases, to let students integrate the game contents and class curricula into life attitudes during fun game courses, to wish to change the situation and subculture of school bullying, and to expect cases of study to have more optimistic and healthier life attitudes to school life. The research finds that students’ attitudes of human rights obvious change after courses and that the atmosphere in class improves, and identifies that as long as teachers are willing to pay more attention to students and build students’ human rights values through course guidance and action practices, the situation of school bullying can effectively be stopped.
頁次 027-060
關鍵詞 人權價值 校園霸凌 遊戲融入教學 human rights values school bullying quality-oriented games integrated with teaching
卷期 49
日期 201806
刊名 健康促進與衛生教育學報
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學健康促進與衛生教育學系
DOI 10.3966/207010632018060049002