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篇名 臺灣學校型態實驗教育品質保證的內涵與發展策略
並列篇名 A Study of Connotations and Developmental Implementations of Quality Assurance for School-Based Experimental Education in Taiwan
作者 梁榮仁(Jung-Jen Liang) 、范熾文(Chih-Wen Fan)
中文摘要 世界與社會局勢的快速發展,使學校需創新轉型以為因應。臺灣於2014年施行實驗三法,開啟實驗教育的新時代。近幾年,學校型態實驗教育數量持續成長,品質保證也受到大眾關注。本文主要目的在分析學校型態實驗教育品質保證的內涵與發展策略。首先,分析學校教育品質保證的意涵;其次,探討公立學校型態實驗教育品質保證的法令規範;第三,提出公立學校型態實驗教育品質保證之體系建構;再者,提出學校型態實驗教育品質保證的發展策略;最後,則是結語。
英文摘要 The world and society is changing at a rapid pace and school must be able to be transformative and innovative. Three-type acts of experimental education was implemented in 2014 in Taiwan. These acts open a new era of experimental education. In recent year, the numbers of such school is increasing, quality assurance is getting more public concern. The purpose of this study is to analyze the connotations and implementations of quality assurance for school-based experimental education. Firstly, it explains the meaning of education quality assurance. Secondly, it mentions the regulation of quality assurance for school-based experimental education. Thirdly, it proposes system construction of quality assurance for school-based experimental education. Fourthly, it propose the developmental implementation of the quality assurance for school-based experimental education; Finally, it is conclusion.
頁次 041-056
關鍵詞 品質保證 實驗教育 學校型態實驗教育 experimental education school-based experimental education quality assurance
卷期 315
日期 202007
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602020070315003