

篇名 教育人工智能伦理原则的有限性及其补正——兼论“原则-美德-法律”框架
並列篇名 The Limitations of Ethical Principles for Educational AI and Their Remedies —A Discussion on the “Principle-Virtue-Law” Framework
作者 白钧溢(Bai Junyi) 、于伟(Yu Wei)
中文摘要 教育人工智能伦理研究的“原则方法”旨在通过伦理原则的构建与教授消解教育领域应用人工智能技术出现的伦理风险。然而,当前教育人工智能伦理原则存在有限性,制约了其对教育实践的影响力。就自身而言,教育人工智能伦理原则在构建过程中忽略了其在不同行业领域、不同教育应用甚至同一框架内的个性特征或关系。就实践而言,教育人工智能伦理原则既无法提升目标对象将伦理原则付诸实践的意愿,也缺乏强制其遵守这些价值观和规范的机制。教育人工智能伦理原则有限性的消解需要在完善原则自身的同时引入美德与法律,进而构建“原则-美德-法律”框架。这一框架的构建要义是使原则、美德、法律三大层次针对且有效地应对伦理原则有限性的各个方面,做到确定可靠切实的伦理原则、开展明确可行的美德培育、构筑稳健有效的法律保障。
英文摘要 The “principled approach” to ethical research in educational artificial intelligence aims to construct and teach ethical principles to mitigate the ethical risks associated with the application of AI technology in education. However, current ethical principles for educational AI are limited, which constrains their impact on educational practices. Specifically, in constructing these principles, individual characteristics or relationships within different industry sectors, educational applications, and even within the same framework have been overlooked. Moreover, these principles themselves lack the ability to influence the willingness of the target objects to put them into practice, and there is a lack of mechanisms that can effectively enforce compliance with these values and norms. Ethics, virtues, and laws together constitute the ethical foundation of artificial intelligence. To overcome the limitations of ethical principles for educational AI, it is necessary to introduce virtues and laws and construct a “principle-virtue-law” framework. The key to this framework is to address all aspects of the limitations of ethical principles by developing reliable and viable ethical principles, conducting clear and feasible virtue cultivation and building robust and effective legal safeguards.
頁次 023-031
關鍵詞 教育人工智能 伦理原则 有限性 “原则-美德-法律”框架 educational AI ethical principles boundedness “principle-virtue-law” framework CSSCI
卷期 445
日期 202402
刊名 中國電化教育
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社