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篇名 從公立學校實驗教育論公平正義之實踐
並列篇名 Experimental Education in Public Schools: Fairness and Justice
作者 曾大千(Dah-Chian Tseng) 、宋峻杰(Chun-Chieh Sung)
中文摘要 國家推動實驗教育,相當程度上係為提供主觀上不適合接受制式教育者之另類選擇,以藉此保障人民的學習權、受教育權及教育選擇權,故可推定為符合公平正義之舉措。本文以國民教育階段學校為標的,除論述基於學生受教育權與家長教育選擇權之保障,國家應有何等作為義務外,另依據相關法制之規範內涵,進一步分析公立學校辦理實驗教育所應具有的界限,最後並以憲法基本權保障及整體法制規範意旨,勾勒出符應公平正義之公立學校實驗教育辦理模式。
英文摘要 The promotion of experimental education is, to a considerable extent, an alternative option for those who are subjectively considered unsuitable for formal education. It in turns, protects the people’s right to learn and receive education, as well as right to school choice. It can be regarded as a move toward fairness and justice. Therefore, based on schools in national education, this paper discusses the obligation of a nation regarding students’ right to education and parent’s right to school choice. Additionally, based on the related law, this paper further analyzes the boundaries of experimental education in public schools. It eventually attempts to depict a fair and just public school experimental education model according to the basic rights of the constitution and the connotations of the legal norm.
頁次 084-103
關鍵詞 受教育權 教育實驗 教育選擇權 實驗教育 學習權 right to education educational experiment right to school choice experimental education right to learn
卷期 318
日期 202010
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602020100318006