

篇名 國家發展的公平及其對高等教育在學率的影響
並列篇名 The Equity Related with National Development and Its Effects on the Net Enrollment Rate in Higher Education
作者 張芳全(Fang-Chung Chang)
中文摘要 本研究從教育、經濟、性別及健康公平面向來瞭解國家發展情形,並探討各公平面向對高等教育在學率的影響。本研究運用經濟、教育、性別及健康公平建構國家發展公平指數,並對各國進行排名與區分國家發展的公平類型。本研究資料取自聯合國開發計劃署的2014年統計年報,納入分析的有129個國家,獲得結論為:一、先進國家以教育公平、經濟公平、性別平等、健康平等居多,國家發展較為公平,落後國家發展較為不公平,其中最公平的前五名有四個為北歐國家,而非洲與低所得國家大多處於不公平發展狀態;二、國家發展公平指數具有穩定性,並可將129個國家區分為高度、中度、低度發展公平國家;三、各國教育年數、人口成長率、國民所得、性別平等及健康公平是預測高等教育在學率的重要因素,同時,各國發展會透過性別平等及健康公平之中介預測高等教育在學率的擴充,而教育公平及經濟公平則否。
英文摘要 This study aimed to understand the national development from the perspectives of education, economic, and health equity along with gender equality. It also examined how the aspects of equity affected the net enrollment rate in higher education. Education, economic, and health equity, and gender equality were used to construct the index of national development, rank the national development index of countries, and categorize the patterns of national development. The data concerning 129 countries were from the Human Development Report 2013 of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The results were as follows. First, most of the advanced countries have a higher ranking in education, economic, and health equity and gender equality than less developed countries. Among the top five countries in the equity ranking, four were in North Europe; the African countries while countries with low per capital income underwent inequity. Second, the index of national development was stable, and thus the countries can be grouped to ones with high-, middle-, and low-equity. Third, the years of educational attainment, population growth, per capital income, gender equality, and health equity were significant factors affecting enrollment rate in higher education; however, the educational and economic equity were not.
頁次 001-049
關鍵詞 性別平等 教育公平 國家發展公平指數 健康公平 經濟公平 gender equality education equity national development equity index health equity economic equity
卷期 86
日期 201905
刊名 比較教育
出版單位 中華民國比較教育學會
DOI 10.3966/160957582019050086001