

篇名 駐波懸浮探究與討論
並列篇名 Research and discussion on standing wave levitation
作者 林自奮(Tzu-fen Lin) 、陳坤龍(Kun-Long Chen) 、王永興(Yung-Shing Wang)
中文摘要 本研究旨在藉由生活周遭事物聯想,如水波、樂器發聲、樹梢震顫都與駐波有關,駐波是自然界一種十分常見的現象。在地球上,地球對地面附近物體的萬有引力賦予了物體的重量,聲波在物體表面施加壓力時,其所發揮的影響幾乎難以察覺,但如果振動的強度夠大,聲波即具有抵消物體重力的作用。重力是我們自誕生以來與自身最親密的宇宙神奇力量之一。然而重力因其只具有吸引而缺少對稱的排斥力更讓人覺得神秘。反重力超音波懸浮主要是透過超音波換能器中的電晶體將高頻脈衝轉換成超音波振動。快速來回運動的空氣分子撞擊保麗龍球時,會施一個向上的作用力抵抗重力造成懸浮。懸浮的位置恰好位於聲波往返建立的駐波波腹的附近,可以讓我們看見音波並理解頻率、波長、波速的相關性。至於在波節上與波腹上可以使用保麗龍球懸浮,讓學生從探究與實作當中去證明。並以科學學習過程探究學生對駐波概念之學習。本研究主要探討高中學生在教學前對於駐波概念相關認知狀況,並找出可能形成的迷思及概念可能形成的因素。
英文摘要 The purpose of this research is to associate things around life, such as water waves, the sound of musical instruments, and treetop tremors, which are all related to standing waves. Standing waves are a very common phenomenon in nature. On the earth, the earth’s gravitational force on objects near the ground gives the object its weight. When sound waves exert pressure on the surface of the object, its influence is hardly noticeable. However, if the vibration is strong enough, the sound wave has the effect of offsetting the object’s gravity. Gravity is one of the magical forces of the universe that we have been closest to ourselves since our birth. However, gravity is even more mysterious because it only has attraction and lacks symmetrical repulsive force. The anti-gravity ultrasonic levitation mainly converts high frequency pulses into ultrasonic vibrations through the transistor in the ultrasonic transducer. When the rapidly moving air molecules hit the styrofoam ball, they will exert an upward force to resist gravity and cause it to levitate. The position of the levitation is exactly near the antinode of the standing wave established by the sound wave. It allows us to see the sound wave and understand the correlation of frequency, wavelength, and wave speed. As for the styrofoam ball on the node and the antinode, the students can use the styrofoam to levitate. Prove it from exploration and practice. And use the scientific learning process to explore the students learning of the standing wave concept. This research mainly explores the cognitive status of high school students about the standing wave concept before teaching, and finds out possible myth concepts and possible factors that may form myth concepts.
頁次 075-083
關鍵詞 駐波 聲波 波節 波腹 探究 standing wave sound wave nodal antinode exploration
卷期 13:1
日期 202305
刊名 臺東大學綠色科學學刊
出版單位 國立臺東大學理工學院