

篇名 以同步視訊融入專題導向學習探討師資生跨領域教學方案的實作能力之研究
並列篇名 Strengthening Teacher Education Students’ Ability to Develop Interdisciplinary Instructional Programs Through Videoconferencing and Project-Based Learning
作者 劉世雄(Shih-Hsiung Liu)
中文摘要 由於時空或疫情限制,師資生在接近中、小學實體情境練習實作跨領域教學方案時產生困難。師資培育之大學可邀請學校專家教師,以同步視訊融入專題導向學習策略,引導師資生了解學校情境問題與設計跨領域教學方案。本研究以一門師資培育之教育專業課程進行探究,採同步視訊融入專題導向學習為策略,藉由師資生在跨領域教學方案實作的學習過程與學習成果之整體學習成效的了解,探討此課程設計是否適用於師培課程;共有14位師資生同意參與。在學習過程表現方面,焦點團體訪談資料分析發現,師資生起初願意在專題導向學習中接受挑戰,但因不具經驗而感受到壓力。師資生不斷透過視訊與專家教師對話及一起思考問題,最終澄清專題導向學習的概念。在學習成果方面,師資生的跨領域教學方案經過評分後,均達精熟程度的學習成果,也在視訊融入專題導向學習上顯示正向且高度的參與知覺。本研究發現,專家教師的線上引導促進師資生積極投入行為是師資生整體學習成效的關鍵因素。再從師資生的學習過程和學習成果推估,運用同步視訊融入專題導向學習培養師資生以科際整合的觀點,發展符合學校情境的跨領域教學方案是可行的。此作法亦對師資生前往學校進行實務學習受到時空與疫情限制的情況,提供一個合宜的替代方式。
英文摘要 Teacher education students (TESs) face barriers to practicing in school-based interdisciplinary instruction programs (SbIIPs), and chief among these are time and space constraints and the COVID-19 pandemic. Teacher educators can invite expert teachers and integrate synchronous videoconferencing into project-based learning (PBL) to advise TESs during SbIIPs. This study developed a strategic program to integrate videoconferencing into PBL and explored the performance of TESs in PBL and the effectiveness and feasibility of SbIIPs for teacher education. A total of 14 TESs enrolled in the course. The analytical results regarding performance in PBL demonstrated that, at first, the TESs exhibited a high willingness to face challenges; however, because of unfamiliarity with PBL, TESs perceived stress once engaged in the program. The expert teachers provided online guidelines and collectively identified situational problems for the TESs, thereby helping them to gradually understand PBL. The TESs achieved mastery in the SbIIPs and revealed positively with high perceived participation in PBL. The experts’ online guidelines were crucial to ensuring high learning effectiveness, and the program was determined to be feasible for teacher education. This study contributes to the field of teacher education by providing an alternative to practicing instruction in real-life school environments for TESs.
頁次 001-036
關鍵詞 同步視訊 師資培育 專題導向學習 跨領域教學 synchronous videoconferencing teacher education project-based learning interdisciplinary instruction
卷期 5:1
日期 202203
刊名 教學實踐與創新
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學
DOI 10.53106/261654492022030501001