

篇名 人工智能教育中“人-技术”关系博弈与建构——从反向驯化到技术调解
並列篇名 The Game and Construction of the “Human - Technology” Relationship in Education in the Artificial Intelligence Era: From Reverse Domestication to Technical Mediation
作者 孙田琳子(SUN Tianlinzi)
中文摘要 随着人工智能在教育领域的深度应用,技术自主性的日益膨胀对人类主体性发展带来威胁,促使人们重新审思教学技术与教育主体之间的博弈关系。文章揭示了现代技术裹挟下的教育困境,呼吁警惕对智能技术过度依赖引发的技术反向驯化和信息茧房现象;分析教育场域中人与技术的三种博弈形态——对立失衡、适应平衡和融合共生,指出技术调解是化解人与技术矛盾关系的可能出路;进而提出技术调解视域下人工智能教育的发展方向,并从“人-技术”关系维、技术维、主体维层面建构人工智能教育的实践路径,为教育可持续发展提供参考。
英文摘要 With the in-depth application of artificial intelligence in the field of education, the increasing expansion of technological autonomy has threatened the development of people’s subjectivity, prompting us to reconsider the relationship between teaching technology and the subject of education. The article first reveals the educational dilemma engulfed by modern technology and calls on people to be vigilant against the phenomenon of reverse domestication of technology and information cocoon room caused by excessive dependence on smart technology. Then it analyzes the three-game forms of people and technology in the education field: The imbalance of opposition, the balance of adaptation ,and the symbiosis of integration have concluded that technological mediation is a possible way to resolve the contradiction between human and technology. Furthermore, it puts forward the development direction of artificial intelligence education from the perspective of technological mediation. Lastly, the article discusses the construction of the practical path of artificial intelligence education from the “human-technology”, relationship dimension, technology dimension, and subject dimension to provide a reference for the sustainable development of education in the artificial intelligence era.
頁次 037-043
關鍵詞 人工智能教育 人-技术关系 反向驯化 技术调解 道德物化 artificial intelligence education “human-technology” relationship reverse domestication technical mediation moral reification CSSCI
卷期 27:6
日期 202112
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學
DOI 10.13966/j.cnki.kfjyyj.2021.37.004