

篇名 教师定期交流的政策困境与对策——基于政策工具的视角
並列篇名 The Dilemma and Countermeasures on Teachers’ Regular Transfer Policy - A Perspective of Policy Instruments
作者 汪丞(WANG Cheng)
中文摘要 尽管教师定期交流已上升为国家政策,但在各地执行过程中,存在明显的象征性执行、替代性执行等政策缩水现象。在政策工具理论视域下,教师交流政策工具的选择和优化方面尚有较大提升空间。因此,应重新确立政策工具的价值取向,兼顾国家战略、学校利益和教师诉求的平衡;加强对政策工具执行效率的评估,完善教师交流相关制度;加强教师交流政策与其它政策的融合,推动配套制度改革,以逐步实现全员流动,促进师资均衡配置。
英文摘要 Through teachers’ regular communication has risen from a local pilot to a national policy, there are obvious symbolic implementation and alternative implementation in the process of policy implementation. From the perspective of policy tools theory, there is still much room for teachers transfer on the policy tools choose and optimize. Therefore, we should re-establish the value orientation of the policy, and take into account the balance of national strategy, school needs and teachers’ demands; strengthen the evaluation of the implementation efficiency of policy tools, improve the relevant system of teacher transfer; strengthen the integration of teacher transfer policy and other policies, promote the reform of supporting system , gradually realize the flow of all teachers, and promote the balanced allocation of teachers.
頁次 020-026
關鍵詞 定期交流 政策工具 困境与对策 regular transfer policy instruments dilemma and countermeasures CSSCI
卷期 32:1
日期 202001
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心