

篇名 基于特级教师工作坊的教师专业发展:表征、向度与优化策略
並列篇名 Teacher Professional Development Based on the Distinguished Teacher Workshop: Representations, Dimension and Optimization Strategies
作者 邓晓莉(DENG Xiao-li) 、范国睿(FAN Guo-rui)
中文摘要 教师是高质量教育体系建设的关键力量,教师专业发展离不开专业的组织。特级教师工作坊作为重要的学习型组织,其有序性、开放性与内在持续性对教师专业发展意义重大。在基于特级教师工作坊的教师专业发展分析向度中,教师专业知识是智力资源,专业能力是行动内核,专业理念是先验条件,专业进修态度是价值支架。指向教师专业发展的特级教师工作坊,应以提升教师的专业自觉为起点,以鼓励教师的专业能动为主导,以实现教师的专业自主为目标,以促进教师走向专业共生为手段。
英文摘要 Teacher plays a vital role in the creating a high-quality education system, and professional development of teachers cannot be separated from professional organization. The workshop’s structure, inclusiveness, and continuity are important for teachers’ professional development. In the dimension of teachers’ professional development based on the Distinguished Teacher Workshop, professional knowledge of teachers is the intellectual resource, professional ability is at the core, professional philosophy is a prior condition, and professional development attitude is the value scaffold. The workshop should start from enhancing teachers’ professional consciousness, encourage their professional motivation, help to achieve the professional autonomy, and lead them to grow with professional skills.
頁次 105-111
關鍵詞 教师 教师专业发展 特级教师工作坊 teacher teacher professional development Distinguished Teacher Workshop CSSCI
卷期 34:2
日期 202203
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心