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篇名 探索與重塑大一年:從國外實證到臺灣實踐
並列篇名 Exploring and Reframing First-Year Experience: Evidence-Based Insights From the U.S. to Practical Implications in Taiwan
作者 彭心儀(Hsinyi Sindy Peng)
中文摘要 大學第一年經驗(First-Year Experience, FYE),或稱為「大一年」,是學生生涯的重要轉銜時期,此時期涉及學術、心理及社交等多重挑戰。國際上對於大一年的研究已有近60年的歷史,除了累積許多研究與實務成果,對理解如何促進大一學生成功轉銜亦提供許多洞見,尤其以美國南卡羅萊納大學(University of South Carolina)所發展的新生課程(在該校的課程名稱為University 101)及隨後成立的全國資源中心推動研究與實踐並重的大一年運動,不僅成功重塑師生與學校間的關係,亦成為國際推動大一年的成功模式。隨著我國新課綱實施、科技與社會環境的快速變遷,新課綱素養導向學習者的「大一年」也增添許多變數。相較之下,我國在研究主題、分析層次、社群實踐等方面仍待整合。本文擬借鑑國際視野與經驗重塑我國大一年研究與實踐,期能透過設置大一年專業組織,更有效地支持高中生過渡到大學生活與全面發展,並促進我國高等教育系統的創新和發展。
英文摘要 The first year in higher education, known as the first-year experience (FYE), is a crucial time characterized by notable academic, psychological, and social challenges for newly enrolled college students. This article examines the development and influence of FYE programs proposed by the University of South Carolina’s First-Year Seminars (e.g., University 101 course) and University of South Carolina’s University 101 course and the establishment of the National Resource Center for the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition. These programs have significantly enhanced the connections between faculty and students and increased student engagement in a variety of educational settings worldwide. FYE in Taiwan has become challenging to administer as a result of newly developed technologies, the pandemic’s effects, and the New Curriculum’s influence on educational policy. By utilizing evidence-based practices and recommendations from a national FYE conference in the United States, it specifically looks into how these well-known FYE programs can be adapted to boost academic achievements and foster a sense of belonging among first-year students in Taiwan. It further underscores the significance of forming a professional organization, in order to guarantee the effective execution of strategies in our educational system.
頁次 109-122
關鍵詞 大一年 大學新生 同儕教練 新生課程 轉銜 First-Year Experience (FYE) freshman peer leader First-Year Seminar (FYS) University 101 transition
卷期 361
日期 202405
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.53106/168063602024050361007