

篇名 從內模仿到訊息整合:再探音樂引發情緒的機制
並列篇名 From Inner Imitation to Information Integration: Revisiting the Mechanisms Underlying Emotion Induction via Music
作者 蔡振家(Tsai, Chen-Gia)
中文摘要 音樂如何引起情緒?此議題在近十年吸引了許多心理學家的注意,Juslin在2013年提出音樂引起情緒的八大機制,是頗具影響力的學理架構。本文回顧認知科學的理論及實驗成果,闡述並補充音樂引起情緒的機制。筆者指出,在表徵他人的動作與情緒時,我們可能使用了表徵自我動作與情緒的神經迴路,進行內在模仿。我們腦中的顳極與中央前額葉,可能整合了視聽訊息及語言訊息,根據社會脈絡及自身的情緒反應,來解讀、評價音樂的情感內涵。在一首樂曲裡面,音樂表達的情感會隨著時間而變,曲式知識與音樂以外的敘事結構,有助於聽者掌握不同樂段的呼應關係,產生更高層次的體悟。本文對於音樂情緒的探討,希望能讓音樂界及音樂教育界更加重視聆聽樂曲時的主觀感受。
英文摘要 How does music cause emotions? This topic has attracted the attention of many psychologists in the past decade. In 2013, Juslin proposed eight mechanisms underlying emotion induction via music, providing an influential theoretical framework. This paper reviews theoretical and experimental findings from cognitive sciences to elaborate and supplement the mechanisms underlying emotion induction via music. It shows that while representing the actions and emotions of others, we may use neural circuits that represent self-actions and emotions to carry out inner imitation. The temporal pole and medial prefrontal cortex in our brain may integrate audiovisual information and linguistic messages, interpreting/evaluating the emotional connotation of music according to the social context and listener’s own emotional reactions. In a piece of music, the expressed emotion changes over time. The extramusical narrative structure and knowledge about music form are likely to help the listener to grasp the relationship between different musical sections and to generate a higher level of understanding. Through analysis of musical emotions, this paper argues for more attention to be paid in musicology and music education to the subjective feelings people experience when listening to music.
頁次 001-049
關鍵詞 音樂情緒 社會認知 概念融合 神經科學 演化生物學 musical emotion social cognition conceptual blending neuroscience evolutionary biology
卷期 37
日期 201907
刊名 藝術評論
出版單位 國立臺北藝術大學
DOI 10.3966/101562402019070037001