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篇名 臺灣學術倫理教育資源綜述
並列篇名 An Overview of Academic Ethics Educational Resources and Materials in Taiwan
作者 潘璿安(Sophia Jui-An Pan)
中文摘要 臺灣推動學術倫理教育至今已近10年,在政府部門、學術界與民間團體的共同努力下,成果相當豐碩。因此,本文彙整各方所開發的學術倫理教育資源,期使有意投入相關教學的教師,或是想精進學術倫理知能的師生與研究人員,都能參考與選用。在政府部門,教育部藉由實施「校園學術倫理教育與機制發展計畫」,奠基學術倫理教育資源的基礎;科技部則藉由修訂科研相關政策與成立專責辦公室,推動研究人員的學術倫理知能提升。在學術界,各大專校院與學術研究機構則配合政府政策,協助師生與研究人員完成必要的學術倫理教育,同時盡可能讓機構內的各項學術倫理機制得以完備。至於民間團體,則致力於向下扎根,讓學術倫理教育能延伸到中學教育,使學生能及早培養探究學問的負責態度,以及養成優良學術論文寫作的習慣。
英文摘要 Over the last ten years, Taiwan has promoted academic ethics (research integrity) education, and the outcomes have been productive due to the joint efforts of the government, academia, and non-governmental organizations. This article introduces ways that the Ministry of Education has laid a foundation for academic ethics educational resources by implementing the project, Education and Implementation Mechanism of Research Ethics in Taiwan’s Higher Education. Simultaneously, the Ministry of Science and Technology has revised research-related policies and established a dedicated office to promote academic ethics more broadly. In addition, colleges, universities, and research institutes have actively complied with government policies. They have facilitated academic ethics training required by government agencies for local teachers, students, and researchers and developed institutional mechanisms to manage academic ethics. Furthermore, non-governmental organizations have been working to expand education on academic ethics. They are dedicated to bringing academic ethics education into high schools so that students can develop responsible attitudes toward scientific inquiry and foster ethical academic writing habits. The article summarizes academic ethics educational resources and materials developed by the various parties so that they can be referred to and implemented by teachers interested in the teaching of academic ethics as well as teachers, students, and researchers who want to improve their knowledge of the subject.
頁次 004-024
關鍵詞 研究誠信 科技部 教育部 臺灣學術倫理教育資源中心 學術倫理 research integrity Ministry of Science and Technology Ministry of Education Center for Taiwan Acadmic Research Etthics Education academic ethics
卷期 341
日期 202209
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.53106/168063602022090341001