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篇名 教育政策分析家角色與專業素養之探析
並列篇名 The Role and Professionalism of Education Policy Analysts
作者 蔡進雄(Chin-Hsiung Tsai)
中文摘要 政策分析成為教育決策的前提,沒有透過系統深度的教育政策分析探究,所形成的教育政策常是膚淺或盲目的。循此,本文首先探討教育政策分析的定義,之後闡述教育政策分析家的角色主要是教育資料蒐集及分析者、教育政策倡導及行銷者、教育政策工程師,在專業素養及能力方面,做為教育政策分析者宜具備領導與管理能力、教育政策專業及教育領域專業。
英文摘要 Policy analysis becomes the premise of education decision-making. Without systematic in-depth education policy analysis and exploration, the education policies are often superficial or blind. Therefore, this article explores the definition of education policy analysis, and then states that the roles of education policy analyst are mainly to collect and analyze data about education, policy advocates and marketers, education policy engineers. Besides, the education policy analysts should have capabilities of leadership and management, specialty of education policy and specialty of education.
頁次 001-011
關鍵詞 政策分析 教育政策分析家 政策工程師 policy analysis education policy analyst policy engineer
卷期 127
日期 202005
刊名 學校行政
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.202005_(127).0001