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篇名 國小學童知覺到的導師權力類型、人際關係與學校壓力關係之研究
並列篇名 An Investigation of the Relations among Perceptions of Teacher Power, Interpersonal Relationships, and School Stress for Elementary School Children
作者 施佩芳(Shih, Pei-fang)
中文摘要 本研究旨在瞭解學童知覺到的導師權力類型、人際關係與學校壓力之相關情形。針對高雄市國小學童進行問卷調查,有效樣本為674 份,並採用平均數、典型相關與邏輯斯迴歸分析來分析。研究結果發現:1.學童知覺到導師常使用規範型的權力類型;2.學童的人際關係良好;3.學童知覺到的學校壓力不大;4.學童知覺到的導師權力類型與人際關係有顯著相關;5.學童知覺到的導師權力類型與學校壓力有顯著相關;6.學童知覺到的人際關係與學校壓力有顯著相關;7.學童知覺到的導師權力類型與人際關係對學校壓力有顯著區別預測力。由上可知三者間的關係密切。
英文摘要 The purpose of this study is to understand the relation among elementary school students perception of the type of power teachers use,
interpersonal relationship, and school stress. The subjects came from fifth and sixth graders in Kaohsiung. The research tool employed is the questionnaire of elementary school students’ life. 694 copies are collected back, and the efficient copies are 674. The collected data are inputted into the computer to undergo statistical analyses including mean, canonical correlations, and logistic regression analysis.
Followings are the findings from the study:1. Elementary school students often perceive the normative type of power teachers use.2. Elementary school students have good interpersonal relationship.3. Elementary school students perceive little school stress.4. There are significant positive correlations between the type of power teachers use and school stress of elementary school students.5. There are significant positive correlations between the type of power teachers use and interpersonal relationship of elementary school students.6. There are significant positive correlations between interpersonal relationship and school stress of elementary school students.7. Both elementary school students’ perception of the type of power teachers use and interpersonal relationship can significantly predict the different type of school stress.To sum up, there are positive relations among elementary school students’ perceptions of the type of power teachers use, interpersonal relationship, and school stress.
頁次 155-185
關鍵詞 人際關係 導師權力類型 學校壓力 Interpersonal relationship School stress Type of teacher power
卷期 24
日期 201003
刊名 國民教育研究學報
出版單位 國立嘉義大學國民教育研究所