

篇名 自決改變的行動者:初探聯合世界學院學生學習經驗
並列篇名 Formation of Heutagogical Agency: Exploring UWC Students’ Learning Experiences
作者 陳佩英(Pei-Ying Chen) 、林佳慧(Chia-Hui Ellen Lin)
中文摘要 教育植基於學習者自我導向與終生學習的秉性與態度,本研究採個案研究,以立意取樣方式,選定六個就讀各地UWC的學生,透過深度訪談及文件分析,探討其就讀UWC的動機及自我決定與學習轉化歷程。UWC的教育理念是透過教育,聯合不同國家、民族和文化,以追求世界和平與永續未來,其與十二年國教所揭示之「自發、互動、共好」理念相呼應。本研究發現,六個個案因對跨界學習的憧憬或因追求新學習而產生動力,開展UWC的學習之旅。當個案從舊經驗連結到異文化的學習場域,啟動自我導向的內在驅力,歷經語言、思維方式、跨文化認知差異等挑戰,形塑觀看事物的多元視域,亦從中反思自我價值、定位與認同等重要議題。此外,部分已畢業的個案,更將UWC的學習經驗轉化為微型式的教育行動方案,促動國內青少年學習者進行高層次的思辨與對話。期冀本研究從傾聽學生參與國際教育的自主決定學習經驗,提供臺灣教育改革之參考。
英文摘要 This research aims to explore the formation of self-directed and life-long learning of UWC students. Six participants were purposely chosen for depth interview and relevant documents were collected to reveal the motivation and self-determined and transformative learning of these students. The educational mission of UWC is to unite people, nations and cultures for peace and a sustainable future, just as the values displayed by “taking the initiative, engaging in interaction, and seeking the common good” of Taiwan’s 12-year basic education goals. The results were the pursuit of UWC learning driven from the urge of border-crossing or horizon-expanding learning. They enacted transformative learning through associating the prior experiences with new exploration in exotic field, awakening their subjective consciousness, and confronting from speaking foreign languages, different mode of thinking, and cultural shock. They had to reconstruct their viewpoints from multiple frames and reflect upon their self-worth, positioning, identity while encountering new situations. In addition, some of UWC alumni employed what they have learned to provide workshops for the young in Taiwan to experiencing higher order thinking and inquiry dialogue. The findings may contribute to new ways of understanding heutagogical learning and international education development.
頁次 102-119
關鍵詞 自主決定學習 自我導向學習 聯合世界學院 heutagogy androgogy United World Colleges
卷期 310
日期 202002
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602020020310007