

篇名 名师工作室中教师学习机制的个案研究
並列篇名 A Case Study of Teacher Learning’s Mechanism in Famous Teachers’ Studio
作者 严运锦(YAN Yun-jin) 、朱宁波(ZHU Ning-bo)
中文摘要 本研究在个案研究方法的指导下,基于学习型组织理论,运用参与式观察法、访谈法和实物收集法对N名师工作室中教师学习机制进行了系统的剖析。名师工作室中教师学习机制主要探究两部分内容:一是教师学习的过程;二是教师学习过程中各要素的相互作用关系。教师学习过程是围绕“三阶段六要素” (“三阶段” 包括学习倾向产生阶段、学习行为展开阶段、学习行为结果生成与评价阶段;“六要素” 包括学习动机、学习目标、学习内容、学习策略、学习结果的评价、学习条件)的研究框架和依托N名师工作室独具特色的三类活动(“为课堂把脉”学习活动、“为孩子读诗”学习活动、“送教下乡”学习活动) 展开。教师学习过程中“六要素” 的相互作用关系体现的是教师知识的意义建构,包括表层意义建构、深层意义建构和建构的基本条件。
英文摘要 Under the guidance of case study method and based on the theory of learning organization, this study systematically analyses the teacher learning’s mechanism in N famous teachers’ studios by using the methods of participatory observation, interview and physical collection. Teacher learning’s mechanism in famous teachers’ studio mainly explores two parts: one is the process of teachers’ learning; the other is the interaction of various elements in the process of teachers’ learning. Analyzing the process of teachers learning uses the research framework of “three phases six elements” (three phases include the production stage of learning behavior, the continuing stage of learning behavior, the generation and evaluation stage of learning behaviors result; six elements include learning motivation, learning objectives, learning content, learning strategy, evaluation of the results of learning) and relying on unique three types of activities of N famous teachers ’ studio (the learning activity of “pulse” in the classroom, the learning activity of “poetry reading for children” , and the learning activity of “ “sent to the countryside”). The interaction of six elements in the process of teachers learning embodies the meaning construction of teacher knowledge, including surface meaning construction, deep meaning construction and the basic conditions of construction.
頁次 078-085
關鍵詞 名师工作室 教师学习机制 三阶段六要素 知识的意义建构 famous teachers’ studio teacher learning’s mechanism three stages and six elements the meaning construction of knowledge CSSCI
卷期 31:6
日期 201911
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心