

篇名 面向未来的价值观教育课程体系设计与实践
並列篇名 The Development and Practice of Values Education Curriculum for Future: A Review of Australia Values Education Curriculum
作者 廖聪聪(LIAO Cong-cong) 、曾文婕(ZENG Wen-jie)
中文摘要 澳大利亚以“关心和同情、竭尽全力、平等、自由、诚信、正直、尊重、责任感、理解和宽容”九种价值观为核心,从个人、民族和国家三个层面设定价值观教育课程目标,开发课程内容。形成“建立学校价值观”“促进学生幸福感”和“跨文化与全球背景下的价值观教育”三大模块嵌套价值观的课程结构,实现学科的横向整合和学段的纵向衔接。课程实施注重整体规划,围绕学生主体,从环境营造、情境创设、课程整合等方面培育学生价值观。课程评价采用量化与质性分析相互验证的方式,评估结果能有效指导课程改进。澳大利亚价值观教育课程成效明显,对我国价值观教育的资源支持、体验激发和家校合作等有一定的启示。
英文摘要 Australia has developed a values education curriculum that fosters nine values of “Care and Compassion, Doing Your Best, Fair Go, Freedom, Honesty and Trustworthiness, Integrity, Respect, Responsibility, Understanding, Tolerance and Inclusion”. It sets the values education curriculum objectives from three dimensions: individual, ethnicity and national. The course includes three basic modules: “Building Values Across the Whole School”, “Supporting Student Well being Through Values Education” and “Values education in intercultural and global contexts”. And cultivate values through environmental construction, situation creation, and curriculum integration which focus on students’ development. Curriculum assessment uses a combination of quantitative and qualitative analysis. The positive function of the Australian Values Education Curriculum is significantly. It is enlightened that China can solve the problems of moral education from the resource supporting, experience stimulating, and home- school cooperation.
頁次 073-081
關鍵詞 澳大利亚 核心价值观 价值观教育 课程开发 Australia core values values education curriculum development
卷期 16:6
日期 201912
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學
DOI 10.3969/j. issn. 1005-2232.2019.06.009