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篇名 以史特林引擎進行發電性能研究
並列篇名 Research on power generation performance of Stirling engine
作者 吳妍庭(Yan-Ting Wu) 、林朱亞葳(Ya-Wei Lin Zhu) 、朱力民(Li-Ming Chu)
中文摘要 本研究希望透過結合γ型史特林引擎和發電機,來模擬使用地熱溫泉為熱源,山泉水為冷端的溫差發電。使用電池爐模擬溫泉當熱端,冰柱加自來水模擬山泉水冷端,最後在使用自製的三合一Arduino WIFI遠端工作站收集溫度、轉速、電壓、電流等數據並將其傳到實驗室的電腦,再使用excel製作出圖表,可更清楚知道實驗的數據變化。最後再討論如何更換設備能得到更好的發電功率,讓史特林引擎實現可以使用地熱溫泉為熱源,山泉水為冷端的溫差發電,亦可拿來當做教學設備。
英文摘要 This study hopes to simulate the use the temperature difference of geothermal hot springs as the heat source and mountain spring water as the cold sink to generate electricity by combining the γ-type Stirling engine and the generator. Use the battery furnace to simulate the hot spring as the hot source, add tap water to simulate the cold sink as the mountain spring water. Finally, use the self-made three-in-one Arduino WIFI remote workstation to collect temperature, speed, voltage, current, and other data and transmit them to the computer in the laboratory, and then use excel to make a chart, which can better understand the data changes of the experiment. Finally, we will discuss how to replace the equipment to obtain better power generation, so that the Stirling engine can use the temperature difference of geothermal hot springs as heat sources and mountain spring water as cold sink to generate electricity. It can also be used as teaching equipment.
頁次 055-074
關鍵詞 溫差發電 溫泉地熱 發電機 史特林引擎 Arduino Temperature difference power generation Geothermal Hot Spring Generator Stirling Engine Arduino
卷期 13:1
日期 202305
刊名 臺東大學綠色科學學刊
出版單位 國立臺東大學理工學院