

篇名 学校发展的伦理审视
並列篇名 On Ethical Examination of School Development
作者 陈建华(CHEN Jian-hua)
中文摘要 学校改革通常都打着发展旗号,但发展本身并非天然合理,对发展问题需要从伦理角度加以审视。目前学校发展措施中存在着一系列伦理问题,原因在于发展主体不同,导致不同利益抉择;发展本身存在歧义,导致路径选择迷茫;发展目的产生异化,导致价值取向偏差。学校改革措施中存在“反发展”现象,主要表现为透支发展、虚假发展和粗放发展,它们严重地扭曲了学校的真正发展,要解决这一发展过程中的伦理问题,其一要考虑回到教育原点,准确把握学校发展的本质;其二要关注发展的真正目的,促进以人为中心的发展;其三要消解教学功利化,掌握合适的教育方法;其四要克服利益分割,促进协调发展;其五要推进教育公平,共享发展资源。
英文摘要 School reform is usually put forward under the name of development, but school development itself isn’t naturally reasonable, and development issues need to be examined from an ethical perspective. At present, there are a series of ethical problems in the development of schools, which are due to the different subjects of development, resulting in different interests; ambiguity in the development itself, leading to confusion in road choice; alienation in the purpose of development, leading to deviation m value orientation. There is a phenomenon of ‘anti-development’ in schooling, which is mainly manifested m overdraft development, false development and extensive development. They seriously hinder the real development of schools. To solve the ethical problems in the process of development, we should firstly consider returning to the origin of education and accurately grasp the essence of school development; Secondly, we should eliminate the utilitarianism of teaching and grasp the appropriate educational method. The third s to ensure the conditions of development and attach importance to the purpose of development; the fourth s to overcome the division of interests and promote coordinated development; the last s to promote educational equity and share development resources.
頁次 003-014
關鍵詞 发展 学校发展 “反发展” 发展伦理 发展目的 development school development anti-development development ethics development purpose CSSCI
卷期 18:3
日期 202206
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學
DOI 10.14082/j.cnki.1673-1298.2022.03.001