

篇名 老舊廁所整修之困境挑戰與案例分析
並列篇名 The Challenge and Case Study of Old Toilet Renovation
作者 林志成(Chih-Cheng Lin) 、蔡之浩(Chi-Hao Tsai)
中文摘要 為面對老舊廁所整修之困境挑戰,將老舊廁所翻轉為明亮宜人的校園空間,並配合聯合國世界廁所日SDGs永續發展目標中第6項之精神,本文採取立意取樣,以A市三所參與教育部公立國民中小學老舊廁所整修工程實施計畫的學校廁所為例,析述整體配置、新式工法、空間美學三大面向:A國中將男女廁所置換讓彼此獲取最舒適如廁空間;B國中以輕型鋼柱玻璃隔柵取代水泥牆面,營造透光透氣的如廁空間;C國小以在地稻草文化,打造溫泉風的如廁體驗。同時,分析三校廁所改善重點,並提出可供參考的部分。
英文摘要 In order to turn the dark corner into a bright and pleasant campus space and having the spirits of the World Toilet Day and SDGs’ item 6, which both were held by UN, this study used purposive sampling technique and three schools in A City, which joined the plan for the renovation of old toilets in public elementary and junior high schools that K-12 Education Administration in Ministry of Education implemented, were selected as an example from the perspectives of overall configuration, construction methods, and space aesthetics. A School replaces the male and female toilet spaces so that each other can get the most comfortable toilet space. B School replaces the cement wall with a light steel column and glass to create a light and breathable toilet space. C School uses the local straw culture to create a hot spring-style toilet experience. The study also analyzes the key points of toilet improvement in the three schools and put forward some parts for reference.
頁次 276-300
關鍵詞 老舊廁所整修工程 空間美學 新式工法 整體配置 construction methods overall configuration renovation of old toilets space aesthetics
卷期 138
日期 202203
刊名 學校行政
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.202203_(138).0011