

篇名 归途1949—1955:中国留美学生的回国之路
並列篇名 A Homeward Journey in 1949-1955: The Return of Chinese Overseas Students Studying in the United States
作者 杨家榜(YANG Jia-bang) 、谢长法(XIE Chang-fa)
中文摘要 新中国成立伊始,在中国的争取和美国别有用心的支持下,中国留美学生掀起了回国的热潮。但是,中国留美学生的大量回国并没有给美国带来预想的效果。于是,美国转而对中国留美学生的回国权利进行了限制。经过三个阶段的艰难谈判,美国最终撤销了对所有中国留美学生的回国限制,并在1955年发表的中美侨民声明中承诺保障包括留美学生在内的所有中国侨民的归国权利。在中国政府与美国进行交涉的同时,被扣留的中国留美学生也采取措施同美国当局进行了一系列有组织、有计划的斗争,表现出坚定的爱国主义精神。
英文摘要 At the beginning of the founding of the people’s Republic of China, with the support of China and the United States, a number of Chinese students studying in the United States began to return home, setting off an upsurge of returning home. However, the large number of Chinese students returning to the United States has not brought the expected effect to the United States. As a result, with the adjustment of attitude towards China, the position of the United States on the return of Chinese students in the United States has gradually changed from “promoting return” to “obstructing return”. The Chinese government expressed strong indignation at the obstruction of the United States, and actively used the opportunity to participate in the Geneva conference to facilitate direct negotiations between the two countries. After three stages of difficult negotiations, the United States finally rescinded the “no return” order for all detained persons, and promised to guarantee the right of all Chinese nationals, including students studying m the United States, to return to their homeland in the Sino US statement issued in 1955. While the Chinese government negotiated with the United States, the detained Chinese students in the United States also took measures to carry out a series of organized and planned struggles with the U. S. authorities, showing a firm spirit of patriotism.
頁次 172-183
關鍵詞 中国留美学生 留美学生归国潮 日内瓦会议 中美侨民声明 爱国主义 Chinese students studying in the United States the wave of returned overseas students Geneva conference expatriate statements issued by China and the United States patriotism CSSCI
卷期 18:3
日期 202206
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學
DOI 10.14082/j.cnki.1673-1298.2022.03.015