

篇名 成果导向视角下台湾教师教育评估制度的发展
並列篇名 A Study on the Development of Teacher Education Evaluation in Taiwan: A Perspective of Outcome-Driven
作者 黄嘉莉(HUANG Jia-li) 、桑国元(SANG Guo-yuan)
中文摘要 基于对台湾教师教育评估制度发展三阶段的形式、指标、结果运用进行分析,本文认为,台湾教师教育评估制度的绩效制与教师证书和职位数量有关,但对培养成果相对忽略。此外,等级或认可制的制度设计,能否培养有效能教师有待商榷;教师教育评估指标注重投入和过程,而忽略师范生学习的结果;评估指标的版本类型虽然不同,但同样重视资源与过程的投入,教师教育机构难以凸显培养师资的多元培育特色;在评估过程中,后期评估制度重视教师教育机构的自我评估,但运作效果有限;评估结果运用在师范生数量的缩减,但对于已经稳定的教师供需市场可能产生干扰。
英文摘要 Based on analysis of format, indicators, and outcome application of teacher education evaluation policies in Taiwan, we argue that the accountability system of teacher education evaluation in Taiwan is related to the number of teacher certificates (and positions). In addition, regardless of the mechanism of the grade or accreditation system, the preparation of effective teacher is still open to question. The teacher education evaluation overemphasizes the input and process of teacher preparation instead of prospective teachers’ learning. Although two versions of teacher education evaluation indicators are different, but they tend to be consistent and it’s difficult to highlight the multiple characteristics of teacher education institutions in preparing teachers. In the evaluation system, the function of self-assessment is valued but with limited effectiveness. The results of teacher education evaluation in Taiwan are being used in reducing the number of prospective teachers but this reduction has the potential to disrupt the stable teacher supply and demand market.
頁次 058-065
關鍵詞 教师教育 教师教育质量保障 教师教育评估 师范专业认证 teacher education quality assurance teacher education evaluation teacher education accreditation CSSCI
卷期 32:4
日期 202007
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心