

篇名 記憶術輔助英語教學對國中生英語學習成就及學習動機影響之研究
並列篇名 A Study of the Effects of Mnemonics-Assisted English Teaching on Junior High School Students’ English Learning Achievement and Motivation
作者 施玄揚(Hsuan-Yang Shih) 、張淑芳(Shu-Fang Chang) 、蔡文榮(Wen-Rong Tsay)
中文摘要 本研究探討記憶術輔助英語教學對於國中英語教學之成效,以準實驗研究法進行,實驗時間為期8週,共12節,以瞭解運用記憶術輔助英語文法教學對於學生「英語學習成就」及「英語學習動機」的影響。研究對象為臺中市某國中九年級二班學生共54位,分成實驗組與控制組。實驗組是採含「心像法」、「聯想法」及「歌謠韻文法」的記憶術輔助教學,控制組則採一般講述教學。本研究有以下之發現:一、實驗組的英語學習成就與英語學習動機前後測有顯著差異。二、實驗組的英語學習成就與英語學習動機前後測顯著優於控制組。三、針對兩組之「學習成就高分組學生」,經實驗教學後,在英語學習成就與英語學習動機前後測表現上並無顯著差異。四、針對兩組之「學習成就低分組學生」,經實驗教學後,在英語學習成就與英語學習動機前後測表現上有顯著差異。五、實驗組在教學後的延宕記憶上有維持的成效。最後,本研究提出一些建議給國中英語教師和未來研究參考。
英文摘要 The aim of this study was to explore the effectiveness of using the mnemonics to assist the English grammar teaching. This study was implemented by the quasi-experiment in order to understand the effects on junior high school students’ learning achievement and motivation after receiving mnemonics assisting English grammar teaching. The experiment lasted for eight weeks and twelve sections were included. The samples were drawn from two classes, consisting of 27 students in each. One was assigned as the experimental group and the other the control group. The experimental group was instructed by mnemonics-assisted English grammar teaching, including the techniques of “imagery,” “association,” and “song & rhymes” the control group by lecturing grammar teaching. The results of the experiment were as follows: 1. The scores of pretest and posttest that the experimental group got on English achievement and motivation tests made significant difference. 2. The scores that the experimental group got on English achievement and motivation tests were significantly better than those from the control group. 3. The high-achievers in both groups made no difference on the English achievement and motivation tests. 4. The low-achievers in the experimental group did better on the English achievement and motivation tests than those in the control group. 5. The grammar retention of the experimental group was better recalled. Based on the results of the study, some suggestions are given to junior high English teachers and future research.
頁次 049-082
關鍵詞 記憶術 英語學習成就 英語學習動機 mnemonics English learning achievement English learning motivation
卷期 18:2
日期 201912
刊名 教育科學期刊
出版單位 國立中興大學師資培育中心教師專業發展研究所