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篇名 日本近年地方創生教育重要政策之研究
並列篇名 The Exploration in Japanese Placemaking Policy and the Act of Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
作者 梁忠銘(Chung-Ming Liang)
中文摘要 本研究在探究日本面臨少子化、高齡化、都市化同時地進行,而人工智能和工廠無人化使得產業構造、就業構造及地方人口和社會結構發生巨大的變化,家族和社區、企業、社會與個人之間的關係,亦隨之產生明顯的變化,偏鄉地區面臨了人口老化和人口疏離而形成社區衰微和產業頹廢不振的窘境。為此,日本政府提出「地方創生」理念,文部科學省近年積極地提出具體政策。本研究透過文獻分析,針對日本近年文部科學省與其附屬組織之中央教育審議會所提出「地方創生」相關教育之諮詢報告書,以及文部科學省內部提出之相關文獻進行分析與探討。本研究主要目的有二:一、歸納日本地方創生的概念為何?二、探討文部科學省所提出重要且值得重視的地方創生教育相關計畫與報告書內涵為何?
英文摘要 The aim of this study is to explore the evident changes on the relationships in family and region, community, businesses, society, and interpersonal relationship under the Japanese social context. The relationships are affected due to the immense change in industry and employment structure, which is caused by the impact of rapidly shrinking and aging population, urbanization, the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI), and unmanned factories. In rural areas, aging population is not the only problem, but also declined community and depressed industry caused by the alienation of people. Therefore, MEXT in Japan have been aggressively promoting the idea and specific policies of “Regional Empowerment for Japan’s Growth.” This study explores the consultation report for education reform policies that are related to “Regional Empowerment for Japan’s Growth” from the Central Council for Education. The council is an affiliated organization of the MEXT in Japan. There are two objectives in this research: to summarize the background and contents of the policies in regional education reform, and to explore the contents of the report of education reform, which is both important and highly valued by the MEXT in Japan.
頁次 085-107
關鍵詞 少子高齡化 日本教育 中央教育審議會 地方創生 教育政策 shrinking and aging population Japanese education Central Council for Education regional empowerment educational policies
卷期 18:2
日期 201912
刊名 中正教育研究
出版單位 國立中正大學教育學院
DOI 10.3966/168395522019121802003