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篇名 意志力缺損―幼兒入世困擾
並列篇名 The Disturbance of Children Incarnation - Defect of Willing Force
作者 顏于玲(Yu-Ling Yen)
中文摘要 人們對於追尋世間之事物,似乎有一種探尋真相的動機,為何人們對未知事物有著高度的想往呢?筆者從人智學談及心魂「意志」的面向,從人類發展三個本質、九個向度探究其竅,分別為身質:物質身、生命身、感覺身,心質為:感覺心、理知心、意識心;靈質:靈自我、生命靈、靈人。論心魂的「意志層次」,與身質相連為意志本能、衝動、慾望;與心質相繫是意志動機;意志願望、決心、決定則居住於靈質中。當人從身質躍昇為心質時,心質之感知心、理知心及意識心與意志動機互為表裡,如韻律般運作著,此時人在世間探究殊事其竅時,較身質更具有清晰方向目標。居住於靈質的意志,人類目前仍無法清晰掌握,但靈質透過意志搏動,綿延不絕送出訊息給人,當自我動機可以掌握處於無意識沉睡的意志時,或許就有可能與靈之意圖相契,實現入世的任務。幼兒本質與靈質較為相契,在幼兒教育現場的幼教師們,能否意識到意志教育對生命發展的重要性。幼兒以物質身連繫意志本能,將物質身化為一個巨大「感官體」,將外部所有的一切模仿到身體內部形成印記,他們通過身體模仿與意志本能來學習外界事物,反觀現代教育思潮,反而將意志與模仿視為老舊不符合時代的教育方式。觀察孩童真實的現狀,意志力發展受阻、身體的發展也未達年齡所需,建構身體的力量無法化為學習力量,其物質身無法真正承擔未來所需,讓上小學的孩童適應學習遭遇到空前困難,甚至為人師者也同樣面臨意志無法持續的困頓,筆者將上述統稱為時代之疾―「意志力缺損」,期待藉由本文喚起社會對意志力發展的意識。
英文摘要 It seems that there is a motive in men who like to explore the truth for pursuing the things in the world. Why peoples show a high degree of yearn to the things unknown? The writer would like to talk about “will” aspect of soul from Anthroposophy. And also explore the key point from three natures and ninefoldness of development of human beings. The development of human being could be distinguished as bodily nature which including Physical Body, Life Body, Sentient Body; as soul nature of Sentient Soul, Intellectual Soul, Conscious Soul; and as spirit nature of Spirit Self, Life Spirit, and Spirit Man. If discussing about the “hierarchies of willing”, there would be willing instinct, drive, desire for connection with bodily nature; willing motive for linking with soul nature; willing wish, determination, and to decision as dwelling in spirit nature. When a man lifting himself up from the bodily nature to soul nature, the Sentient Soul, Intellectual Soul, and Conscious Soul which belong to soul nature will supplement to the willing motive with each other, operating just like the rhythm. Now being compared with those willing hierarchy of bodily nature, the soul nature possesses a clearer aiming orientation in the time when man exploring the essential of different things in earthly world. As for the willing dwelling in spirit nature, it has not yet been grasped clearly by human beings for the present day. Through the willing impulse, however, spirit nature sending messages constantly to human beings. When we can grasp the willing which is still in unconsciousness like in sleeping state by ego motive, it may be possible to accord with intent of spirit, to achieve the incarnation task for the human beings. The essence of young children is more consistent with spirit nature. Could early childhood teachers on site conscious of the importance on will education to development of life of children? The willing instinct of children is connected to their physical body and transform the physical body into a huge ‘sensory body’. Children imitate all the things externally into their internal body and form them as imprint. They learn everything in the outside world through bodily imitating and willing instinct. On the contrast, seen from the thought of modern education, the will and imitation were regarded as the olden way of education and were not meet the era as well. Observing the real situation of children nowadays, the development of willing force was blocked, the body’s development is not up to the age required, and the power to build up the body could not be transformed into learning power. The physical body of the primary school children could not really undertake the needs for future, so that they could not adapt for learning and encounter unprecedented difficulties. Even the teachers of school are also facing the hardship of willing not be sustained. The writer will refer all above mentioned as ‘Defect of Willing Force’- the era of the disease. Looking forward to arousing the awareness of this development of willing force from all community.
頁次 081-106
關鍵詞 意志 意志搏動 意志力缺損 模仿 will willing impulse Defect of Willing Force imitation
卷期 4
日期 201609
刊名 另類教育
出版單位 台灣另類教育學會