

篇名 國際教育2.0中教師與行政人員培力之研究
並列篇名 A Study on the Empowerment for Teachers and Educational Administrators of the International Education 2.0 Policy in Taiwan
作者 鄭勝耀((Kent) Sheng Yao Cheng)
中文摘要 為因應國際化與全球化所帶來急遽變化的國際競合關係,我國教育部在2019年4月成立「中小學教育國際化專案辦公室」,針對自2011年「中小學國際教育白皮書」公布以來的中小學國際教育政策執行成果進行全面檢視,並於2020年5月發布「中小學國際教育白皮書2.0」,規劃自2020年至2025年為期六年的國際教育2.0實施期程,以「接軌國際、鏈結全球」為願景,希望可以達成「培育全球公民、促進教育國際化及拓展全球交流」等三大目標。本研究旨在針對在推動國際教育2.0方案中之「教師及教育行政人員培力暨輔導計畫」,聚焦在國際教育推動過程中最重要的關鍵團隊(包含教師與行政人員)的培力與輔導規劃與實施,重新省思其與國際教育2.0政策的互動關係,希望可以為國際教育2.0的持續推動提供相關修正建議。
英文摘要 To face the increasing competition and cooperation through the era of internationalization and globalization, the Taiwan government established the Primary and Secondary Education Internationalization Office (PSEIO) on April, 2019 to evaluate the outcomes of the international education policy for almost 8 years since the White Paper on International Education for Primary and Secondary Schools (IE 1.0) released in 2011. Ministry of Education (MOE) announced the White Paper 2.0 on International Education for Primary and Secondary Schools (IE 2.0) on May 2020 and conducted a six-year strategic plan to accomplish the vision of bridging the world and connecting the globe between 2020 and 2025. There are three major goals including cultivating the global citizen, accelerating educational internationalization, and expanding the global exchange. The principal investigator aims to focus on the research project for the empowerment and support of teachers and educational administrators through IE 2.0, and rethink about the interaction among teachers and administrators to provide some suggestions for the future of IE 2.0.
頁次 027-040
關鍵詞 國際教育2.0 教師 教育行政人員 國際教育 International Education Teacher Educational Administor Globalization IE 2.0
卷期 726
日期 202103
刊名 台灣教育
出版單位 台灣省教育會