

篇名 学生数字素养培育体系的一体化建构:挑战、原则与路径
並列篇名 The Integrative Construction of Students’ Digital Literacy Cultivating System: Challenge, Principle, and Approach
作者 吴砥(Wu Di) 、朱莎(Zhu Sha) 、王美倩(Wang Meiqian)
中文摘要 数字素养与技能是数字时代人生存、发展的必备素养,提升全民数字素养与技能是我国建设数字中国、建成教育强国、培养时代新人的必然选择,对弥合数字鸿沟、促进教育数字化转型和智能化升级具有重要作用。当前的学生数字素养培育主要存在重视度不够、系统化不足、滞后性突出等问题,顺应新发展形势需求,构建一体化、高质量的学生数字素养培育体系迫在眉睫。学生数字素养培育体系的构建应从系统化视角出发,坚持协同发展与自主发展相结合、全面发展与特色发展相结合、个人价值与社会价值相结合的理论导向,在实践中不断激发学生的主体能动性,促进学生数字素养的多元化、内涵式发展。探索学生数字素养培育体系构建的实现路径,重点在于四个方面:首先应增强目标导向,建立完整的数字素养培育目标体系;其次需突出课程育人,构建全面的数字素养培育课程体系;再次要推进协同育人,形成开放的数字素养培育生态体系;同时还要坚持评价引领,建立多元化的数字素养评价体系。
英文摘要 Digital literacy is a necessary literacy for the survival and development of people in the digital age. Improving people’s digital literacy and skills is an inevitable choice for our country to build a digital China, strengthen education and cultivate contemporary talents, which plays an important role in bridging digital divide, and promoting the digital transformation and intelligent upgrade of education. At present, the cultivation of students’ digital literacy is facing multiple challenges, such as insufficient attention, lack of systematization, prominent hysteresis, and so on. It is urgent to build an integrated and high-quality cultivating system of students’ digital literacy. The construction of students’ digital literacy cultivation system should start from a systematic perspective, adhere to the theoretical guidance of the combination of coordinated development and independent development, comprehensive development and individual development, personal value and social value. Only by constantly stimulating students’ subjective initiative in practice, the diversified and connotative development of students’ digital literacy can be realized. To construct students’ digital literacy cultivating system, we need to strengthen the goal-oriented teaching method by establishing a complete digital literacy goal system; highlight the curriculum-based cultivation of talents by building a comprehensive curriculum system of digital literacy; promote collaborative education by developing an open ecosystem of digital literacy education; and guide digital literacy education by creating a diversified evaluation system.
頁次 043-049
關鍵詞 数字素养 数字技能 培育体系 一体化建构 digital literacy digital skill cultivating system integrative construction CSSCI
卷期 426
日期 202207
刊名 中國電化教育
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社