

篇名 高等教育教学数字化转型核心要素分析——基于学生和教师的视角
並列篇名 Analysis on the Core Elements of Digital Transformation in Higher Education Teaching and Learning — From the Perspectives of Students and Teachers
作者 韩锡斌(Han Xibin) 、陈香妤(Chen Xiangyu) 、刁均峰(Diao Junfeng) 、周潜(Zhou Qian)
中文摘要 学生和教师作为教育教学的主体,在高等教育数字化转型的过程中需要被重点关注。首先阐述了数字时代学生数字素养的内涵及发展策略。数字素养不仅包括基本的数字技术知识与技能、信息与数据素养、数字安全和数字伦理素养等,也包括数字时代信息化的专业知识和职业能力,还包括在网络社会成长过程中“虚实分离的我”实现统一自我认同的意识和能力。人类学习将迈向泛在学习新生态,“人机结合”将作为学生的基本认知方式。为了支持学生数字素养的全面发展及学习方式的转变,提出了相应的策略。其次讨论了教师数字化教学能力的内涵及发展策略。教师数字化教学能力体现在数字技术融入教学的意识、素养、能力和研究。教师数字化教学能力发展是一个长期、复杂的系统工程,提出了政府部门、社会组织、高等院校、教师自身等方面采取的策略。
英文摘要 Students and teachers, as the subjects of learning and teaching, need to be paid much more attention in the process of digital transformation of teaching and learning in higher education. The connotation and development strategies of students’ digital literacy in the digital age are firstly described. Digital literacy includes not only basic digital technology knowledge and skills, information and data literacy, digital security and digital ethics literacy, but also digital professional knowledge and ability in the digital industry, as well as the awareness and ability to realize a unified self-identity in the process of growing up in a network society. Human learning will move towards a new ecology of ubiquitous learning, and “human-computer integration” will be the basic cognitive approach of students. Strategies are proposed to support the development of students’ digital literacy and the transformation of their learning styles. The connotations of teachers’ digital teaching competencies and strategies for their development are then discussed. Teachers’ digital teaching competence includes the awareness, literacy, ability and research of digital technology integration into teaching. The development of teachers’ digital teaching competencies is a long-term, complex systemic engineering, the development strategies are proposed for government departments, social organizations, higher education institutions, and teachers themselves.
頁次 037-042
關鍵詞 数字化转型 高等教育 学生信息素养 教师数字化教学能力 digital transformation higher education student digital literacy teacher digital teaching competencies CSSCI
卷期 426
日期 202207
刊名 中國電化教育
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社